Sub Rogue AOE Help


Noticed I do like 0 damage while aoeing on sub rogue, when I do single target my damage is exceptional, but the moment the tank does a medium or large pull, my damage is non existent, oftentimes underneath the tank.

For my current aoe rotation I do:
Start Stealth into Shadowstrike biggest enemy then Symbol of Death + Shadow Dance, then Shuriken Storm for CP into Black Powder (repeated).

Not sure if I’m missing something, I haven’t looked at my talents in awhile so maybe there’s some adjustment to be made there? Just making sure my rotation is good.

Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

Trying weaving in more Ruptures instead of Black Powder. There’s a talent that allows it to spread to other targets and Rupture does a lot more damage.

I’m new to Sub, but I have noticed this makes a huge difference.

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Thanks for the reply, I’ll try it out!

If you are fighting 7 targets or less you should actually be sticking to the Single target rotation assuming you play with Trickster. With Deathstalker, make sure to have your mark up.

As the poster above said, you should be sticking to Eviscerate below 8 targets while playing Trickster (which is generally better performing right now). Nimble Flurry does a TON of damage in AoE

Also, you didn’t mention Secret Technique? That does absolutely spicy AoE damage too and should be used with Dance/Symbol as much as possible.