Sub-race names (demonyms) & templates tied to the new customization options

I just saw this post on the EU forums and thought it was appropriate to bring it here as well!!!


Feel this is worth mentioning. I saw this, and I think it is a pretty cool idea honestly.


Itā€™s amazing how they said wildhammer and not high elves like they really wanted, shows great restraint.

But in truth this is a cool idea.

its a ā€˜highā€™ elf thread for those that dont know


Oh God, not another oneā€¦

Iā€™d love something like this. Especially since many of the customizations represent different cultures/subraces. With the new starting area being its own self contained island, of which a friend told me will exist within lore, you wonā€™t have to be a Bronzebeard or Dark Spear or even a Stormwind human. I really hope Blizz considers it because while I appreciate getting Dark Iron as an Allied Race, doing nothing with Wildhammer feels like a slight against them. Especially considering their importance is probably far more greater than the Dark Iron. Itā€™s not like Blizz really did much with them once they became an Allied Race.


This would honestly be amazing detail on customization!

This dataminer also saw many other interesting things, like ā€œFemale thinhumanā€, etc. I hope tuesday can reveal much more of what is to come.


Clearly Fyre can not read. It isnā€™t talking about Void Elves or Blood Elves, but it is talking about all races in game.


Itā€™s better to ignore trolling attempts. Some guys are just obsessed with High Elves and see them everywhere.

ā€œGood morning!ā€


Yeah, that is true. I got attention in the EU Forums about this, since I seen the thread not very active here on the US, thought to copy the post of the original thread to the other thread too.

But this idea is an amazing idea,


Thisā€™d be neat. Gives them an avenue to add minor races like Taunka in the future, as well - without having to add an entirely new race.

Itā€™s a shame they canā€™t walk back Allied Races now that theyā€™re in, 'cause Iā€™d much prefer the more copy-pastey ones worked this way. And Iā€™d love to use some of their customizations on my base races. :<


I think this idea actually is the best. So then it can avenue Blizzard to not add new groups of races to the game, but just give them the customisations of those races. Such as Felblood Orcs and there customisations being tied to the Orc customisations instead. And any future race that Blizzard does decide to add, has to be new and unique. Not a reskin.


Yeah I really love this idea. Itā€™s the best possible solution imo


Iā€™ve suggested this and think itā€™s the best! I support this!


An interesting idea but this would make blizzard have to overhaul an entire system for this to work which I doubt will ever happen.

Also, the term sub-race seems a littleā€¦I donā€™t knowā€¦offensive? How would you like it if your ethnicity was classed as a sub-race lol.

They should simply be called subfactions.

Thought to copy an update from the original author of the original thread over to this one too, keep US Players updated:

While I am very pleased by the Twitter response (400+ likes and 100+ shares, woah!), I also canā€™t help noticing that the following issues have been brought up a few times:

  • Customization should not be restricted to templates.

I said this before but I will repeat it again: I agree , and nobody intends to restrict a playerā€™s freedom of choice. 'No templateā€™ should be the default , with all options available as in the current character creation screen.

Templates should be totally optional, while at most connected to a specific alternate demonym. Truth be told, however, the standard racial flag would also perfectly work. Itā€™s just that a template needs a name and explanation of some sort in order to exist. :wink:

  • Including Allied Races may be awkward due to their racials.

Indeed, I can follow the reasoning that where Allied Races with alternate racial skills are involved, it would make little sense for the player to be allowed to revert to a different template (with base racials) from the barber shop. Since racial skills should be ā€˜definitiveā€™, it makes sense that when an ā€˜Allied Raceā€™ is selected the barber options would be limited to those specifics as now. The main suggestion here is just visual placement within the Templates section rather than on the main screen.

On the long term, howeverā€¦ sure, I would personally love the option of Blizzard reworking racials to make them selectable from a pool, but I do not see it happening at this time.

  • Adding Allied Races as Templates would leave Alliance one short.

The way I see it this is the main argument against the Allied Races being relocated to the customization screen as a template. But I can easily leave it for Blizzard to address and solve if/when they feel they should, as the Templates concept can still stand by itself.

Templates are nothing but a suitable quality of life feature that would nicely fit the brand new character creation UI.

Indeed, some core races may have more than others at this stage, but I canā€™t see that being an issue, since they would not alter the number or quality of overall options the players are being offered.

So once again - Please, Blizzard, Please! :yellow_heart:

Twitter Post if anyone has not seen


I just discovered this through Twitter and wanted to show my support. This would be an absolutely amazing feature. Sometimes itā€™s the little things that go a long way, especially in getting something like lore and flavor across.

For the record, Iā€™m perfectly fine with this being asymmetrical and being a bit wonky with Allied Races, because I think this a really good goal and itā€™s better to start heading in this direction sooner than later.

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