Sub or assas with fire mage in 2s/3s?

Hi guys, ive been playing assas rogue with a fire mage lately but i would like to know if it would be worth it to learn to play Sub or is assas just as good with fire mage?

Thanks a lot!

I’m sure both are fine, but speaking from what little experience i have, fire/sub is a really strong comp. Most healer/x teams were auto wins and the type of healer didn’t matter.

What makes this strong is the on demand control and burst. Most of those games would go something like this:

Sap the healer/mage poly’s the kill target and starts casting gpyro.
While gpyro is on its way to the target, refresh sap, then jump on kill target with cheap shot. By this time gpyro is being cast again and both players are in cc, with the kill target about to be at 30% or less. Once sap breaks off healer or if they trinket early either blind, step kidney or step dance/cheap shot, or your mage can poly. Or (plenty of options) you can smoke bomb your kill target and usually drop them without the healer getting a single heal off and the kill target being unable to get a single attack off.

Works in theory and worked in application most of the time. A few wrinkles would throw us off. Great part is this can be reset and done multiple times throughout the game. Easiest is from the opener though with sap and what not.

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Sub is better for 2v2, sin is better for 3v3.
Overall assassination is much easier to play and you will most likely have more success with it