Sure customers pay for a product. I have every intention of paying for the released game. It’s not that right now though, is it? It’s testing. Seeing what works and how the potential market for the product being tested reacts. People not willing to pay still make up a portion of the potential customer base, and their ability to provide feedback is being made less. If Blizzard wants to cater more to the people already paying them and alienate more the people not paying them, that’s their prerogative, but it seems kinda short sighted to me
The people paying now aren’t customers of WoW:Clasic. they are customers of BfA. They have a vested interest in the success of that, sure. This stress test is just a fun bonus thing they got for free with their BfA sub. Also since they play BfA, presumably what they like is BfA, so their feedback is going to be largely “It should be more like BfA.” But the whole reason WoW:Classic is being made is because of the people who miss when WoW was different. This Includes issues regarding what constitutes a reasonable number of players in one sever at launch.
Sounds like they are looking at player feedback to me…