Sub ends 29th. Upgrade is 29th

Your money is better spent elsewhere. I don’t think they’re going to do much in the way of new covenant activities outside of grinding for more renown and getting new cosmetics.

Covenants feel like a waste of space right now, to be honest.

The first thing I said to people was: This guys been here how long? Can’t I just cut those chains and let him out? Oh… we’re trying to keep him here? Well thats not right. Lets let him go.

Check the CEO’s basement.


What would be the point? The Primus was supposedly “nearly unbeatable on the field of battle”, also “a master strategist” and “a legendary weaponsmith” and still he got beaten, kidnapped, and enslaved by the Jailer. Now, the Jailer is even more powerful than whenever he stomped the Primus in the past.

Freeing him seems kinda pointless as far as helping us make any progress.

I saw i was late for TBC classic and tossed blizz $15. Good to see they wreck the levelling experience on a historic server by selling level boosts. Surprised to see things more negative about SL than when i left, i actually didnt expect that.

Still catching up on a few dev interviews about the next patches, some sound cool, most sounded like explaining why they have to do systems that people hate and that not all hate them so its ok…so im not planning on doing anymore SL and really just waiting to see if any change of direction for 10.0.

Im about 95% sure ill be skipping 10.0 at least until the first major patch…even then if its just recycled time gated systems with a new skin on it ill be passing.

I actually really had faith SL would be a turn around not a doubling down of everything people didnt like in BFA with a hot new look…

So, if you came upon someone chained up in a basement, you wouldn’t free them because “how does this benefit me?”

Do I have that right?

Our characters are all murder hobos who clearly only do what makes us more powerful so to answer your question? Yes this DH would leave them chained in a basement.

Would I? Ofc not.

We stopped talking about your nonsense at least 15 posts ago.

Apparently not.

I am on a 6-month sub and have about 4 months left and I know for sure I am never buying a 6-month sub again if things keep going the way they are. The only way I would is if they removed the stupid rating system for upgrades in PVP but it looks like they are doubling down on that terrible system.

Yes VHX ignore my content. Trollish to the max. Let me eat this sandwich and you can explore why you YOU yourself make this game horrible.

If you’re here making this statement, something tells me you’ll likely resub for the new content. You’re obviously still attached to the game.

Seems you’re predominantly a raider, yeah? I’d say this tier looks really great for raiders. So much so that everyone who doesn’t prefer to raid is throwing a fit about how good raid stuff is going to be.

Very likely it’s going to be a loooooong time until 9.2. You can always come back fall/winter if you find the itch to play wow again.

Why are you replying to yourself, and calling me out?
You make little sense.

wanna torghast and chill?