does anyone even enjoy spamming black powder in aoe over and over again?
id personally like something like Caustic Spatter which would allow Shadowstrike and Eviscerate proc something like Secret Technique
bonus, it’d look really cool seeing you shadow clones consistently
Black powder to me sounds exactly something that would come from an OUTLAW.
How they keep messing up class and spec fantasy is marvelous. I need to write a book about this.
Ninjas used black powder bombs. Its one of the reasons folks used to think they had magic.
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Black powder fits sub perfectly.
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Its a split up eviscerate and it fits perfectly fine. It isn’t supposed to be secret technique effective. It does the job and its here to stay. We don’t need silly goofy gimmicks sabotaging our kit. The duality we have is good.
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Sub AoE rotation is horrendously tedious. I like that Sin and Outlaw are far more interesting in this regard.
I don’t see anything wrong with Black Powder being on Subtlety. I don’t think it would fit as well as a regular AoE spender on Outlaw, especially considering Outlaw/Combat’s history with Blade Flurry.
Ironically, the Trickster Hero spec pretty much gets rid of the AOE rotation by making your attacks cleave.
Only real aoe is spreading Rupture which with a talent applies to two targets, so only 2 to 3 application at most.
Sub is not ninja though I have watched enough American Ninja to know this.
As an alumni of Diamond Dave’s Judy Choppin’ Ninja Art School, I beg to differ.
There are few things deadlier than a half-cocked Judy, and one of those things is a pipe bomb thrown at high speed.
But the black star ninja had lasers so that fits better with Sub theme honestly.
Youre not supposed to be spamming BP in aoe. Good way to lose your hero talent buffs.
… Sub has that with trickster. Are you a troll or?
??? Read a guide. Nothing tedious bout it.
Ninja didn’t intentionally fight people historically. So. Idk. Depends where we wanna lean on the accuracy thing.
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Historically ninjas had a background in espionage, swordsmandship and wore armor. Sure they had other tools and weapons but really evading was everything.
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They did fight people. Its why Nobunaga burned all the Iga woodlands to prevent more uprisings.
All the ninja clans were former samurai and their henchmen that had been exiled after losing a war.
And the most common “ninja” was just a samurai or henchmen in plainsclothes wearing a mask for a night raid.
Yeah, they were just mostly Samurai. Like the clans were exiles that hid in the woods for decades then developed their own skill sets to make money but they were largely in the minority.
Loke you know so many knights just became bandits ruling their own fiefdoms during the Hundred Years war? Same deal, warfare developed the same way in both sides of thr globe. And they all used bombs at some point.
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you dont spam black powder. you primarily use it to debuff
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Ironically this ability would be a perfect AOE for outlaw.
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