Stuns, Immune, Silence, Locked out, etc

Blizz please for the love of god do not add anymore stuns, cc, gap closers etc. Thats all.


Meanwhile back at the batcave …blizz adding more stuns, cc, traps…


i think some cc is good.

things like traps/polymorphs/sleeps etc

but aoe cc / aoe fear aoe blahblah … if all that just went away i would be so happy


Look on the bright side. They removed knockback from priest. :slight_smile:

Micro CC is the bane of PVP right now it needs pruning. I really hope they’re taking this time to adjust PvP for the War Within.


TWW hero talents are adding more CC and more movement so…

Unfortunately, all of the micro CC that’s been added has been added due to the M+ design focus which is only going to increase over time.

It will likely only change when/if they deem it necessary to change for the benefit of M+.

Do you think they will eventually need to have skill tree specific talents for PVE vs PVP. Where micro cc pruning can happen but be replaced for another option in PVP or none at all, simply removed in PVP. Kind of like how PVP talents are not accessible for PVE content?

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On paper, this seems to make the most sense; however, in practice, it stands to further complicate a game that is already perceived to be very complicated.

The only silver lining I see currently is PvP balance appears to be shifting away from 3v3 Arena to BGB, or BGs in general, which more aligns with the M+ style of gameplay than Arena ever could or would.

IM STILL SO UPSET BY THIS SKSKSKSSKSKSKSK i demand my shinning force back T_T


They need to remove at least half of the cc from this game in order to be playable.


The pvp talent system really needs some kind of update at the very least. It was a bandaid fix for a totally different talent system that just kind of lazily got carried over after the rework.


Like morgan freeman works at blizcave working on new ways to stun players lol

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They just need to add actual CCs to dr categories. and not have 10

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I still think one of the best suggestions ever made was that Blizzard should have to pay back for all the time we get locked out of playing our character due to CC/micro-CC spam. With the amount of CC/micro-CC spam we put up with, we’d probably have F2P WoW for PVP players.


You have 6sec stun, aoe cc, heavy range dps, anti roots, horse x2, the best inmune in game, heals, etc…
Post this with another character pls

it was bad as melee

  • you run in range to do damage but are met with all sorts of AOE stuns, aoe fears, aoe roots, blah blah

and now its just as garbage for casters.

grounding totem x 5 revival x5.

i guess the only ones allowed to play r hunters.


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It’s super fun as a melee in Ashran. I got non-dr stunned by 4 different earthquakes, then a cap totem, then a shadowfury. Then another round of seemingly zero dr earthquakes.


oml like dont even get me started …for some reason its so bad this season i spend 99% of my time stun locked , slowed and ccd to death .


Yeah, Micro CC, and CC in general needs major pruning. Unfortunately they seem to be heading in the other direction with The War Within….

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