Stuns and interrupts out of hand

I think you got this!!

oh they were definitely equally bad in MoP

but MoP had a bit more counterplay cuz it was the peak of our ability selection before they started taking everything away

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So if you’re not interested in voicing your viewpoint on the relevant topic of the thread, I ask myself “Why is this person posting on the thread?”.

It’s almost as if my very first reply answers that.


You’re right, I’m sorry. You seem to be popping in to police forum posts, not contribute to the conversation.

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That’s ok mate, I forgive you.

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I knew you would. <3

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Na Corruptions are out of control, Tuesday couldn’t come quicker.

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You make a good point Gedpriest. Perhaps this is why we are seeing such spells as Thoughtsteel (currently steals fear from warlocks and polymorph from mages and prevents these spells from being cast by the victim for 20 sec.) being introduced in the next expansion. Counter tools for some of our toolkits for some CC’s in PvP. Such additions are interesting (to me) in an attempt to address providing counters for CC/interupt/control mechanics to the PvP gameplay.

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