Stun Timers like Stun watch or CC watch for classic?

Anyone know of of an addon that lets you know your stun timers easier without having to icon over the enemy? Use to be stunwatch and CC watch etc that popped up a little spell casting like box that would show the duration of your stuns.

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I’m after the same thing, posted here a week or two ago.

Really want CCWatch, but it doesn’t seem that anyone is porting it over to classic.

If WeakAuras works then you can probably set it up to display as a countdown bar fairly easily.

I haven’t committed WeakAuras setup to memory so can’t say for sure.

Yeah, IIRC you should be able to set up a WeakAura to do that.

Weak Auras 2 Classic does work, I tested it in the stress test. However, I vaguely remember the debuff/cc portion being wonky, so I didn’t actually get to set up one of those bars.

Just looked WeakAura up and there was a beta version updated 2 days ago, it might not work on launch day but should shortly after.

Rogues don’t get their stuns until the 25-30 range which will take a day or two to reach.


so weak aura is it? Is that the only one?

Xane, gouge is a form of interruption or “stun”.

It would be nice to see the duration left on the enemy to prepare for the next attack or time left to bandage.

Any updates on add-ons that could be used to display these timers?


Weak Auras, Set up a progress bar as:

Type: AURA
Aura Type: DEBUFF

Exact Spell: 1777 (Gouge)

On the Display Tab where it shows Text 1 and Text 2 type %p that shows the time left before it ends. I personally have a feel for it so I do %1.unitName so I know who’s hit with the CC, if you have any questions about WA just let me know im not no expert but im mediocre at best :slight_smile:

I am playing a frost mage and I would like to know how to setup WeakAuras to show debuff timers, for example frost nova, polymorph, etc. if possible at the enemy frame. I don’t want it to show near my character, just as close as possible as it would be if those timers were there by default (i.e, a timer in the debuff icon on the enemy frame. Thans in advance.

My dude you are in luck! I’ve been looking and looking for this addon forever because i used it for 3 years on private servers and its by far the best for cc/diminishing returns. You can get it now through the Twitch App under the Mods>WoW Classic tab. It has been renamed to CCC. Good luck!


Dude…I love you! Thanks!

anyway to relocate the bars?