Stuff I gotta do at 60?

Gotta make legendary, pick covenant abilities, soulbinds and conduits, weekly chest, what else? I know there’s more but i forget lol

When i say Everything, i mean everything that’s necessary to pvp, all the necessary steps i gotta do, thanks…

Do weeklys from Oribos, do covenant story (for fast gear up), do the weekly event.

Can you unlock soulbinds thru pvp? how do i get my soulbind tree stuff? and do soulbinds work in pvp?

also what are conduits and how do i get them? and can they also unlock from pvp?

also what do weekly from orbitos give? and how many weeklys are there per week?

as for renown, can i progress with that in PVP not doing PVE?

Also is the covenant questline an ongoing thing? do they keep coming out with new content every week, or can you finish the entire thing in a few days or so? thanks. Also what benefits do you get from completing covenant questline and is this questline necessary? thanks.

also what do i gotta do to catch up with everyone else for renown?

Soulbinds are unlocked through the campaign for your coveneant so probably not via pvp. Also conduits are rewards from various world quests that I have found though I think some people get them from dungeons. Pretty sure you need to do PVE for renown and all that butr could be wrong.

Soulbinds are unlocked by doing the covenant campaign. Pick a covenant of your choosing and follow their storyline.

Yes they do. If you are a pvper make sure to pick covenant and soul bind best suited for your playstyle.

Conduits are upgrades to your abilities, and you place them in their respective slot at the soulbind conduit forge. Conduits come from a diverse source of things, including dungeons, world quests, raids, callings, and pvp.

Some weeklys are for dungeons, and give anima and reputation. Others are for pvp. Pvp ones include doing battlegrounds or arenas, and they give honor and conquest. I’m counting about 4-5 weeklys off the top of my head? There are also covenant weeklys, which give renown and there are two.

There is a catch up system that grants you renown in pvp if you are behind, yes. Other sources include callings (daily missions from your covenant), dungeons, and covenant campaign storyline. But I recommend you do the campaign questlime in tandem with callings and weeklys, because the questline gives some renown (but also needs renown to progress) and the covenant weeklys are a guaranteed source of renown. I am not sure how fast the catch up is, but im hearing people can catch up rather quick now.

The idea was to release some quests weekly. The questline is finished as of this week, and you can do it in a couple of days. However, the questline also has renown requirement in certain stages, and I’m not sure how long that will take. But that’s where all the other activities come in.

Upon completing your covenant campaign you get your third soul bind, and the higher renown the more you can soulbind. That alone should be incentive, but otherwise it’s for covenant stuff, rewards, or covenant gear (which currently can be scaled up to 197 with anima grind and completed storyline). Possible other stuff in the future.

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Thanks guys, that answered everything! :slight_smile: