Stuck outside fel hammer

After resubbing after a few months I login and i’m at dalaran and I need to turn in a quest. The quest giver is inside The fel hammer and there is absolutely no portal to take me to my nice green place as I never reached that point. I don’t think I’m missing anything obvious as I’ve googled the problem and can not find a solution.

You get access to the Felhamner as part of the initial Legion class quest chain (the same time as getting your first artifact weap). If you somehow didn’t do that you will have to. If you did, that means that you somehow managed to lose access to your class hall, which sounds very unlikely.

Where is the entrance then? I’ve circled dalaran and looked in the exact spot the portal is supposed to be and it just isn’t there. I don’t even have the spell that takes me to the fel hammer.

The Felhammer portal is on a floating island just beyond the edge of the flight master landing pad area (Krasus’ Landing) in Dalaran*. If you don’t have Legion flying, you’re supposed to jump-glide to it.

Youtube video describing it:

*just to be clear: Broken Isles Dalaran, not Northrend Dalaran.