Stuck on updating wow (Initializing...please wait)

Can’t seem to update my game. I’m playing retail.


I have been having the same issue since the update and get 3 different error codes.




i have gone through every step in all 3 of these error articles and nothing has gotten the game to work correctly since the update. and i have to say blizzards tech support is pretty awful. I have been locked out because the update will not initialize since the update went live.

i have tried opening a ticket and its like these guys dont bother to read the preceding conversations to get the issue fixed and they just keep looping me back to the same 3 articles and steps.

Unfortunately CS isn’t able to provide much in the terms of tech support by Web Ticket. Billing and in game support only.

Not sure what you have tried already? What kind of pc, what os, what kind of drive and free space do you have?

I am getting the same error. Stuck on update. Did everything that was recommended. Still nothing. Hopefully it will get fixed soon.

if you copy and paste one of the error codes into the blizzard search window it pulls up all the steps for each code and i have done them all multiple times aside from resetting the wmi which i have no idea how to do

I am stuck at Initializing as well.


I am also stuck on Intializing…Please wait. but no other error codes.

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Replying to say that I got the update to get past “Intializing…Please wait.” by exiting the Bnet app, going to task manager and using end task on any agent or battle net things that were running, I then ran the Bnet app in Admin, where it got past the intializing problem.

I let it fully finish the update and I was able to get on WoW.

20 years and they worst at this, how hard is it to push a 5 MB patch and not get people stuck at initializing please wait

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