Stuck on logging into game server

Anyone else???

yup, same here. Can’t log in.

Was coming here to post the same thing…

I was logged in 20 minutes ago with no issues, but now I can’t get past “Logging in to game server.”

Same here…

Yup. Kicked off in the middle of BG and can’t log back on. Been a bad week for Blizzard.

I was in a Epic BG and got booted. Cant login now.

Went ahead and restarted client. Logged in just fine.

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trying now

I’ve tried that multiple times and even restarted my computer and I’m not having any luck.

not working on my end at all

Im in, but Trade chat is silent af. So it aint just you guys it seems.

one by one we be in haha

Get used to that if they can’t right this ship fast.


i will be doing the same

So you mean I should play Stardew instead of WoW tonight…