Anyone else having this problem?
My game froze, so I restarted it. Tried to log back in but I’m stuck at the “logging in to game server” screen. When I do manage to get through, it’s to a black screen that won’t allow me to select my character.
Anyone else having this problem?
My game froze, so I restarted it. Tried to log back in but I’m stuck at the “logging in to game server” screen. When I do manage to get through, it’s to a black screen that won’t allow me to select my character.
22 posts were merged into an existing topic: Servers Down
They responded on Twitter – they know, and they’re working on it.
i get stuck on the “Logging into game servers” and then disconnected. Tried a full restart of the game and my computer, it’s a blizzard thing. You’d think with all the investor money they have, they would show more control with all things related to their company. little things like this that they should have mastered after 15 year /shrugs
Closing this to consolidate over to this thread! Thanks for your reports