I assume they are up. Log on doesn’t proceed passed the “Logging in to game server”.
Probably cause the amount of people
Yeah, I’m having the same issue.
Same here. I barely got to play the stress test last time because I wasn’t able to log in. I don’t think my heart can take this again
the stress test realms will be up for 24hours, not just the 2pm-4pm
logging in to game server.
Yep… Same deal…
Yeah, but the 2-4 time frame is when all the fun stuff happens…like last time. Most of us missed that portion because of the issues they had.
could be part of the test be patient
A whole lot of people are reporting this issue. I have been trying to log in for the past 17 minutes.
Stress test, the servers are crashing and will be until they stabilize them. No, I don’t see ANY streamers in either.
Well looks like the stress test failed lol
No realms available now.
Stuck fighting the Queue boss to win and run smack dab off the No realms currently available cliff.
This IS a stress test. People do not seem to understand this. They add people to intentionally crash the servers to see how much they can take.
edit: having all these people attempting to log in, is the stress test. This is what you should be doing, trying to log in.
I don’t think you would see any streamers on this one because for the most part the streamers play on the beta servers not the stress test servers
Beta servers are not up during Stress Test. Just one server for stress testing.
Here we go again
Well last time i could not defeat the Login Raid boss. Lets see if i can this time. Not looking good so far lol
They have had an hour of my time. Off to get a life.