Stuck on loading screen

Starting yesterday I’ve been stuck on nearly every loading screen and had to shut down the game then reboot it to play until my next loading screen. I have never had this issue before. I have updated my computer, reset UI, scanned and repaired files, I have done all I can think of on my end. I would appreciate some help with this issue, or some acknowledgement that this is just a new issue that will be fixed with the weekly reset. WoW is basically unplayable at this point

Same thing to me, loading character the sound goes to like i am in game but the screen does not do anything. All since this last update.

Are you doing these three things. … Don’t auto update. … Don’t auto start when starting computer. … Close completely when starting game.

These are settings inside desktop app.
I would also recommend… In game settings to defaults… Button in
You need the app to start world of warcraft at least once… By PLAY button.

Yes, and I’ve tried a few other things as well that have seemed to help. Going to play a bit and see if it starts acting up again, however now I’m running into new issues. Pretty sure this xpac is just majorly bugged and needs to be smoothed out.

Yea so the issue still happens but not on loading screens anymore, I’m finding it a little more random like if I try to change in game settings. The new major issue is that I can’t see other players when I enter dungeons or pvp instances. I’m not even able to target them through “target of target”. Sometimes reloading will help then other times it wont and sometimes it will be my character I’m unable to see. It’s hard to tell what exactly is causing this because I’ve never had issues like this until this expansion. I’m giving it a couple weeks to be fixed with maintenances. I’m not sure what else I can do.

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Edit: Resolved, I guess.

I have solved all issues through a step by step guide on another post. Thanks for the help though