I’ve been stuck on “The Great Crab Breakout: Ol’ Sea-Hugger Gus” job since last week, nothing I do fixes it. My objective is just permanently on “Arrived at Pleasant Heights”, and it even shows when I turn jobs off, and when I leave the zone. So I guess I’m just unable to complete my weeklies or do this event at all
Same, exact same job too.
Broken for me as well
This is what I did to fix it!
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I am stuck as well. I tried the recommendation- but it cleared my whole job effort. Back to Job 1. Now I am on 7/10, the same job came back, and it appears already in the same state. 2/3 SuperMarket Crabs covered for. All 3 employees have been spoken to, so they don’t show an option anymore. But 1 obviously didn’t get logged correctly.
In short- I am stuck again on this.