Stuck in the water in Torghast, Skoldus Hall

Jumped into the water that was around a platform since I saw there were some grapple points. Thought maybe there were a hidden area I could find. Well nothing was down there and my character was unable to click any of the ropes you need to click in order to grapple back up. Had to wait and kill myself by drowning in order to get out.


Same issue for me.


You should see a larger than normal 3d ? called Grappling Point at a location somewhere along the rim of the round platform, Click on it and it will pull you up. I was near one of the waterfalls when I spotted it.

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Once I got back up I noticed 4 yellow hooks evenly spaced around the rim.


The problem isn’t finding the grapple point. You need to pick up a coil of rope to use the grapple point in the first place, and the coils of rope are unusable.

Thats exactly what just happened to me. But I jumped down because normally you can grapple up when you see the hooks. And I checked for the rope before jumping. 4 grapple points, 4 coils of rope, no grapple. RIP.

same problem right clicking coils of rope doesn’t do anything. if it helps I’m on a mac but doubt that’s the issue

This has to be a bug, I tried clicking all four ropes and nothing happens. Just wasted a life on nothing.

Same Issue - bump for visibility

same exact problem. Saw rope and it’s unusable and not in inventory

Had the exact same problem just now. Logged out and right back in and was able to collect the rope and grapple back up.


Log out and log back in worked for me also… not ideal, they need to fix it, but it worked. Thank you.

the same thing just happened to me, a coil of rope there but unusable without relogging. really should be fixed by now like many other things…

I have the bottled enigma power, idk if that effects it. The level that has a grapple point up on rocks with the anima power orb up there won’t let me obtain the rope. Get the gold gear by hovering, just nothing happens on click. Tried in wolf form, without form, killing more around it in the area, dying, still nothing. Rip that anima power.

6 months later and this is still an issue, amazing blizzard

Still a problem, probably will never be fixed despite being a basic flaw.

Apparently our problems do not have any impact on Blizzard

Bug still exists on 1/17/2022. Log out and in still works to enable picking up of rope.

Same thing is happening still, BUMP FOR VISIBILITY!