Stuck in slow robot turn on siren isles

Any char i did the quest to use the 4 weapons in the storm on siren isles results in my character that did the quest being unable to turn normally using keyboard the next day. I don’t know how to stop this. There is no visible buff stuck, I have hearthed, relogged, looked at settings, etc… The characters are fine right after the quest but the next day I have this horrible turning speed making the char useless. Mouse turning is ok but keyboard is utterly intolerable.

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For now you can use this script to reset it.

I’m unsure if the script sticks between relog sessions. You can always make it a macro so you just have one button to press upon login.

It should and is an account wide CVar so you only need to do it once. 180 is default, but the pummeler sets it to 60 during the many bullets cast and often does not actually reset the CVar to default. It’s weird, since the turn speed physically changes so you don’t actually suspect anything is wrong, but if you use the api or an addon to view the turnspeed setting, you’ll see its still set to 60.

Good to know, thanks!

This problem has caused me to learn there are waaaaay more keyboard turners out there than I expected!

Hopefully it can get patched in soon, but at least there’s a work around.

I mean people crap on keyboard turners and clickers but I got high warlord in vanilla and was super close to glad on warrior and lock before my teams went to play classic and never came back, and I troll people in world pvp on hunter all because of this console command no need to give myself carpal tunnel by turning with mouse when I can just play the game the way it was designed to be played.

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Hey sorry if I came off rude with the keyboard turner comment that wasn’t how I meant it! I’m a mostly clicker myself hah.

Turning with keyboard just feels so odd to me, since I’ve never played another 3D game with that mode of turning. I just never realized how many people in this game actually did use A and D to turn.