Stuck in Oribos, quest giver to bastion vanished

On the introductory questline when first entering Oribos, after summoning the portal to Bastion the NPC offering the next quest disappeared. He is the flight master of Oribos and I can see people using him at his normal location but he is invisible to me (in both locations) and holding my quest/ride to Bastion with him. I cant drop the quest because i never picked up the quest as he vanished as soon as I completed the one previous, so thats gone… running zero addons and tried going back to Org, relogging, etc. Still no NPC to send me to Bastion.

Because you insist on linear questing, I can literally not go further into Shadowlands. Dumb decisions have dumb consequences, but Blizz will never learn this. Just control-freaking every decision we are “allowed” to make expansion after expansion…

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What does your primary story quest line say to do?

To complete Pardon our Dust to continue. Looking at Wowhead that’s 3 quests into Eternity’s call questline in Bastion, where I have never been and cannot get to on this character.

Did you try the general flight master in Oribos?

He IS the quest giver that has disappeared. If you recall your trip, once you open the portal to bastion you get sent there by THAT NPC… however it is at the bastion portal and not his normal location as he was one of the ones helping you summon the portal itself. He is on the left side of the summoning, then gets the “!” once you complete the quest from the other summoning NPC.

I turned in that other NPC quest and the flight master vanished. He is not visible at my quest location OR his normal location OR anywhere else in Oribos, tho i can see others interacting with him just fine, flying in and out of Oribos at the normal flightpath. He is phased out only to me and therefore i CANNOT get the quest to go to Bastion, or any flight whatsoever (tho i would not even know another flightpath anyway, he is the first).

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Weird. So Overseer Kah-Sher is not at the Bastion gateway as someone you can talk to, nor is the FP? That is weird. Even weirder is how you are 2 parts into Bastion without actually going there.

Yeah. It looks like I’m missing the quest Seek the Ascended, looking at Wowhead. That guy gives you that quest and ships you off to Bastion where you get a self-contained quest to talk to Kleia? upon arrival? Then follow her to the quest it says I need to complete to progress the storyline… Pardon Our Dust.

I have the same problem. It said " The Path to Bastion complete." I got my gold and the Overseer disappeared. I had clicked on the blue sword, the two portals to Orgrimmar and Stormwind opened up. I can travel freely between Stormwind and Oribos, but nowhere else. I can be in a party, other party members can see flight master Roh-Avonavi, but I cannot so I know it is not a phase issue.

Apparently there are lot of people having this problem. But not enough for Blizzard to be concerned enough to fix it. No one offers a solution.

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Blizzard must have fixed it. I got the quest to leave Orbis.

This just happened to me on my mage. I got the quest to click the sword, then afterwards, nothing there no flight master. I see people taking the flight path but he is invisible to me and my quest log says “Complete Pardon our dust” in Bastion… My main toon can see and use the flight master as normal. Relogged several times. Second Shadowlands bug for me that completely stopped my gameplay.

Ok, I have figured this out. If you leveled a hair shy of 49, you will not get the flight path. Level to 49 however you can and the flight path will appear.


Thank you thank you! Just got my 48 to Oribos and the flight master disappeared after completing Path to Bastion. This is going to happen more often now that players can skip the entire Maw intro - that’s where you get to level 49.


I am having a problem with this too on my lvl 48 priest. I can’t advance as the quest giver has disappeared

Bartimik, try leveling to level 49. The flight master & quest giver should appear then.

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