Stuck in Org waiting for buffs to drop

oh no you poor baby… 10g for a chronoboon

clearly no appreciation for collecting ony, rend, song flower, dm, and zg without chronoboons

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At least then they weren’t required by everyone and their mother

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in what world did you play

In the World of Warcraft

All these people complaining about buffs could simply group up and raid together, they could even form one of these, what do you call them, oh yeah, guilds. But no they want others to do it for them and then complain. I mean they keep saying it’s easy, so why don’t they do it.

Because of the meta, the frigging meta

Those who don’t like the meta shouldn’t have any problems at all though, it’s classic and as those who don’t like the meta always say, its easy you don’t need that stuff. Literally all they need to do is create their own raids, all those people who hate the meta and don’t want to buy consumes, or would then have a place to call home.

10g isnt that much… that’s less than 10 minutes of farming

find a guild of non meta players and do mc without world buffs

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Give boons the SoD treatment of 20s

Stormrend should exist sweats will go out of thier way to get MCd at crossroads anyway might aswell make it easier.

Its such a non issue to get WCB on alliance I don’t care honestly if they add in might of stormwind

I will summon you out of Orgrimmar, for less then 10g! :rofl:

It doesn’t exist anymore, even the “garbage” guilds filling with pugs requires them even though you’re going to die cause bad. Just the fact they exist makes them mandatory.

This is wrong. I’ve done three MC lockouts now with pug raids where WBs were not required. You don’t unboon until rag anyway.

If your raid has enough dousers to even get to rag, chances are you’ll have enough people with booned world buffs to take him down.

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Just tell us you didn’t actually look and just want to cry

lol what? Wbuffs are not required but you have to unboon for Rag?

Did I miss something there?

Yea I guess you did. I can see how it might be confusing for one lacking in critical thinking skills, but I will break it down for you.

World buffs are not required. But many people bring them anyway. Particularly if they are a douser. People who have done the kind of prep work to be a douser are very likely to be the type to bring world buffs with them.

A douser is someone who is capable of dousing a rune of the firelords. This requires progressing through a quest chain for the Hydraxian Waterlords. One part of this quest chain requires you to grind reputation to honored, which requires grinding in Silithus or MC trash runs.

In order to get to Rag, you need 7 people in your raid to have done this (or have people make multiple trips to Azshara mid-raid, which takes a ton of time). That means at least 7 people are the type of player that is likely to have world buffs.

Now when you actually get to rag, it is a bit of a dps check if you want to kill him before he submerges. Killing him before he submerges greatly increases chance of success for a pug raid. The way raids usually do it is to save their unboon for rag (if they have one), in order to have the dps to down him before submerge.

If people unboon earlier in the raid, and die, they lose their world buffs, and the dps boost they provide when they get to rag. By having everyone save their world buffs until rag, they ensure it will be a 1 pull fight.

Tl:dr - World buffs not required, but enough usually people bring them anyway. Enough to carry the dead weight. Requiring world buffs on any fight other than rag is stupid.

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You completely missed the point but I see improvement at the end :

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