Stuck in logging on screen (BLZ51903006)

tried to log onto the game take long to log in and then you have been disconnected ( BLZ51903006 ) whats going on now !!!


I had some issue as well just now.

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Running into the same issue.

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Same, cant get past login.

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Having the same issues here

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I am having this issue as well.

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ok was wondering if I was the only one that got booted and can’t get back in

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I can log into characters on my current realm but can’t seem to swap to any on other servers :frowning:

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I am also having this issue

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So glad to see this thread, thought I was the only one haha

I was able to log in about 5 - 10 minutes ago and was freaking out, because it seemed like all of my Trader’s Tender was gone. Wonder if that was related to whatever is happening now

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I am having same issues, anyone know why?

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Same. Only on retail though.

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welcome to Blizzard

Just got back in. Weird.

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Been getting the same for the past 5 mins.
Finally got on.

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Same problem here. Couldn’t even get to my warband to pick a toon.

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Same here. Constantly booted from login screen.

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This is good to know. So Classic seems to be unaffected?

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im having this issue for cata classic. :frowning:

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I’m able to log in now, hooray! back to trying for that dang rocket

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