Stuck in combat in Mechagon, FOR...EV...ER

I decided to log back in on the 9th and got nailed with the same issue, almost immediately. I hearthed and returned and kept playing until it did it to me again, this time, thankfully, it was over an hour later instead of immediately upon return to Mechagon. I also played for a little bit, earlier today, and that went off without a hitch.

I am unsure if it’s because they fixed something, or because I have started to be paranoid about mobs and critters alike. It might be important, it might not, but I also got Pathfinder done and I no longer ground travel. At all. Not sure if that’s related, but I figured I would mention it.

Anywho, I’ll be back with an update.

Now that you mention it, that mob is what caused the bug for me too.

I exited the game. Restarted, and was still in combat. I had to hearth out to fix it.

Had that happen to me, stayed in combat no matter how far I was from Seaspit.

It’s not hard to solve though. Leave the area, force close the program, and wait a couple minutes.

This happened with a guildie and I yesterday. Hearthing did the trick.

It was decidedly annoying until we realized that was our only option.

Well, in my case it was from the smaller island where the off the books brawl happens, to the Alliance flight point on the far side of the big island, and through a logout. That was my longest, but I was stuck in combat four times yesterday, even though everything in the area was dead. Mechagon seems to have a serious stuck in combat problem.

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I feel for all the non-hunters and rogues out there.

I’ve had that happen while still able to mount. So while the stuck in combat bug can cause that, it’s not always the stuck in combat bug.

It happened to me the other day, and logging out, waiting a few minutes, and logging back in didn’t solve it. I was still in combat.

What did solve it was to log out, then log in on a different character, log out again, and then bring in the first one again.


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I saw others suggest this and I have been testing it ever since I got proper flight. I have yet to get stuck in combat, regardless of whether I killed the flyer or leashed it. I will keep an eye out for it, though, see if there is something else missing that I can identify.

Oh, I have also taken the opportunity to attack the HK unit to see if that keeps me in combat but his shield seems to keep me from stacking aggro on him along with not being able to damage that one.

I find it really hard to belive that blizz actually needs us to describe how we’re stuck in combat on mechagon.

if they spent 15 minutes running around the island, they’d experience the exact same thing we do.

ps, it’s particularly bad in the forest area in the west side.


It’s not THAT bad…they’d need at least 20.

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You are a DK…why didnt you use path of frost or whatever it is and walk at least…

My avatar, here, is a DK. The character I was playing each and every time it happened, was my Mistweaver Monk.

Something, something, books and covers…damn, I had something for this.

You never got stuck in combat then.

Azsuna used to have itty bitty crabs near one of the invasion bosses. They where level 100 so could take a hit but neutral and did not leave the water… They only hit for 1 damage or so as well. If you agroed them it took half the zone to drop combat. Running down the road the whole way. Mechagon just isn’t big enough to run that far.

it took 2-3 times stuck In combat to notice the small noise of the crab trying to attack me in the water before I realised what was happening.

Maybe post from that character? Since you know, it gives context to the situation…nah that wouldn’t make sense would it…

Yesterday, I chased Fleetfoot all over Mechagon with two others. It took forever to kill (not complaining about that - part of the fun) Then, when we finally killed the little turd, the big turd spawned. Not for me though, I was stuck in combat. Ran to Bondo’s Yard. Ran to Rustbolt. Reloaded UI. Killed some mobs. No luck. Missed the giant Chicken turd. Furious. No, my tank cannot Fein Death or disengage in any way. This happens for me and my friends CONTINUALLY in both Naz and Mech. Seriously effecting fun. Why can’t Blizzard fix this? Surely they employ programmers? PLEASE please fix this Blizzard. So many people are complaining.

An easy fix would be that if you dont get any dmg (or do) for 5 or 10 secs you simply drop out of combat

This happens all the time. I just exit the island via the ocean until you hit deep sea and it resets.

If I had to guess this occurs most often from guards in town.

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I know this isn’t suppose to be humorous, and can be quite annoying…but just last week, a friend was standing in mecha and a dwarf comes running up to her, “I’M STUCK IN COMBAT…I DEMAND TO TALK TO A MANAGER!” Then logs out.

It just gave me the biggest chuckle, but probably does say something about the combat issue since he came back stating he was still stuck and had to hearth.