I and a few others I know have been stuck in combat as long as we remain in Maldraxxus. I believe the issue stems from mobs that are always in combat. When you are on a mount and running past them and you run out of range, they remain in combat with each other. This is keeping me in combat so long as those mobs are fighting each other. No matter how far away in Maldraxxus I run.
In my case, the two mobs fighting were around the Forgotten Wounds just north of the theater of pain. I was still in combat when I dismounted at the House of The Chosen area. I had to hearth just to get out of combat.
encountering the same issue, same place. i aggro’ed the boars fighting eachother just south of keres’ rest flight path. ran to the south end of the theater and i am still in combat…
Every time I try to herb/ mine in maldraxxus I get stuck in combat and have to hearth out of the zone 5-10 minutes later. As it stands this zone is unplayable for me since I can’t use flight paths, mounts, or eat food due to being stuck in combat.
This is happening to me as well.
Having this issue right now while trying to farm Herbs in Maldraxxus, the odd thing is I am actively killing the mobs that attack me. but i was stuck in combat first time for 30 min even after ALT+f4’ing out of the game and doing the “change cache, WTF and interface folder names”, and then again while doing a world quest
It’s kind of a buzz kill when you have to hearth or either kill yourself to solve this issue
Same here. Not annoying at all.
Same here. Just out farming for herbs/mining, and I’m permanently stuck in combat.
Another player with the same issue.
This is kind of ridiculous this has been going on this long…
I find I can drop combat if I force quit the game, then wait and come back in, but it’s really annoying. In some cases, I don’t even know what the heck I aggroed to go kill it. 
(EDIT: Same zone… always in Maldraxxus…)
Happening to me today. Logged in and out. Tried /reload - nadda.