Stuck in combat bug

I get a stuck in combat bug a lot and its pretty annoying. Being stuck in combat will not let you summon your mount. I had a idea. It is about 1-3 seconds to summon your mount when you are not in combat. What if we had a delayed summon while we were in combat? So it would be 1-3 seconds while you were out of combat and maybe 3-6 seconds when we were stuck in combat. This would pretty much fix this bug for everyone.


Why can I not get on my damned horse in combat? We both wanting to get the hell out of there!

So if I can swing my mace and shield around like an avenger why the hell can’t I get on my horse?

It’s annoying OP, nobody going to argue that my druid friend.

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I think that’s a great compromise.

Well… that’s one way to kill WPvP for good.

I can just hear the whines about bubble mounting.

It really isn’t.
If you can’t stop or kill someone while they do a 6 second cast then you don’t even deserve the kill.

The less effective bubble hearth?

I’m not a fan of it, but it’s obvious that the combat bug is something Blizzard can’t fix. I don’t really see an issue here for out in the world combat mounting.

You can already interrupt it, so that seems like a horrible complaint.

The problem it solves is much bigger than any possible problem it could create.

6 seconds you leave combat from taking no dmg in pvp anyway, so regardless this is how it actually works already. As long as you aren’t taking direct dmg, see no reason why this shouldn’t apply to pve as well.

I always hit the delete post on accident over edit remove that button ffs.