There have been a problem in past expansions.
There is absolutely no need for a stuck in combat mechanism when not in war mode.
I am getting them constantly on my warlock in the cavern. I walked the length of the zone and it still did not resolve. The only way to remove in combat was to hearth out.
Happens to me all the time in the cavern, and there have been times where I run halfway across the zone and still won’t drop combat. Only ways to fix it is to leave the zone or log, hop to a different character and then hop back, restarting the game didn’t even fix it when it happened last night.
are you using a voidwalker with a taunt?
99% of the time, this is combat with critters.
there’s a scared little critter zooming around, waiting to be put out of its misery.
No, this is happening alot on all 25 of my alts, all classes, both factions. It gets really old running halfway across the map. We badly need the ability to drop combat in these situations. Please take this one seriously.
Can confirm this is still happening in the cavern. Can occur after ST combat or AoE so it’s not critters. Thankfully Mage can invis, but this would be terrible on other classes.
This is happening specifically with my Demon Hunter. Makes me not want to play this alt which is sad it’s my alt main.
just to let you know blizz, this doesn’t extend players hours played, it makes us want to quit!
It’s also happening in Suffusion Camps. I’ve tried everything, but only hearthing works. If yours HS in on cooldown, you’re stuck in that zone uncapable of mounting, logging out (out of alt+f4), etc.
Happenned multiple times during my suffusion run.
I’m having issues being stuck in combat on my warlock in Wrath Chromie time, in Borean Tundra. It happened both in front of En’kilah City and in Naxxanar, so I’m reasonably certain it isn’t critters because there are none around.
yeah they really messed up changing the break combat system from 5 to 6 seconds. has caused a bunch of combat issues for me as well.
i’ll be out of range of everything and unable to stealth. have to waste a vanish.
vanish also breaks too.
seems to have to do with the onnulet ring and equipment manager. but thats just my thoughts atm.
I believe one of the causes of this is one of the finishing moves is kind of an AOE, but it doesn’t break sap, if that’s a problem you’re having
(edit: for clarity, i mean that it causes threat without causing damage.)
If it’s something else, then it’s just smol indie compani issues
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brew im just having issues all around with being stuck in combat. lol its everything everywhere.
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have you tried a ring that isn’t the onyx annulet?