Stuck at Logging in to Game Sever, then disconnected after

As the title says, when I attempt to login I get stuck at logging in to game server, then after about 15 seconds I get You have been disconnected. (BLZ51903006)

I’m also seeing this.

Edit: Seems fixed now.

same here, and lost 2 arena games.

Waited a little bit before posting here, and was still initially having the issue upon posting, but after spamming the reconnect button after failed login attempts I’m back on

I DCed 4 times now within the past hour, and it took 5-10 min to get back on each time

It did seem resolved but I’m back to very high MS getting DCs
I give up for now, and am going to bed lol

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Constant for over 24 hours now for us. Unable to get past Logging into Game Server :frowning: spamming reconnect, resetting router, full viral scans, we have tried everything. We now know many OCE players can’t login on ANY servers. >:(

Not yet rectified. OCE Saurfang, still getting same issue.

Everyone who spams reconnect is only adding to the issue when a server is mitigating a DDoS attack.

My comment was in reference to the NA servers.

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Personally, I have not been able to ‘log in’ as of the last 48hrs (approximately).
I’m in the OCE area and assuming, currently, that this has been tied into the ddos attacks. But I have been through trouble-shooting and forums, trying every one of the recommended fixes;
-Updated Video Drivers,
-Cleared Cache/WTF/Interface folders,
-Reset Router,
-Uninstalled and Reinstalled app
-Checked Firewall options to make sure they are allowing the game through,
-Analyzed and Optimized Drives

And after everything, I am still getting no further than the “Logging in to game server” screen when I try to play. Some friends have been able to get in, some made it as far as the character lists then got disconnected and couldn’t get back past “Logging in to game server” afterwards.

That’s all the relevant information I can think of, if there is anything we can provide to assist getting this sorted please reach out.

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same lots of dc, i was fine last night , for hours. today after work. 50900319 and 030006 or somehting. . its not fun to play a game when this happens

NA player here been having issues since yesterday and continuing now today getting BLZ51903006

There’s no current attack being reported. Some players connecting from the West coast or Southwest U.S. and trying to play on Chicago-based servers are experiencing issues. This is likely a node issue between those areas and the datacenter. In the meantime, a VPN can resolve the issue.

Have now confirmed other Australian players being able to get into game but the wife and I are still unable to get past “Logging into game server”.

At this stage ready to believe its the ISP, but not sure why this would have happened as it has never happened before.
Will check in and update with any replies. The technical error is still the WOW51900319 which im assuming is just “connection timed out”

I’m able to connect to Australian servers from the US, albeit with horrible ping no one should play on. Sounds like contacting the ISP is your next step.

It continues, have followed all prompts from Blizz with no results. Unsure how ISP could suddenly become the issue when it never has before and no issues with other games?

Different games, different services, different routes on the internet. May not be your ISP, may not be Blizzard’s. It’s the internet “Middle man” the backbone provider that could be the common factor. Again, different routes, difference in connectivity with other games.

That is such bad advice. Calling their ISP is just a waste of time. Their provider will just tell them that if the internet is working for everything else, that it’s not an issue with their service and to contact Blizzard support. I work for one of the largest ISP’s in the U.S. and tell people this very thing daily.

In fact, maybe you should pay me for this information, since you’re technically making me work off the clock. lol


My ISP is calling me back today and I’ll see what they say, but this is what is confusing me about this whole situation. I could understand if it was an isolated incident where only I was unable to log in, then yes of course I would need to find a solution with my ISP. But if our entire city of WoW players cannot log into the game and everyone is using different ISPs, I don’t understand how the onus is on us as paying customers to run around trying to fix it for blizzard.

Hopefully your ISP higher tech group is able to communicate to their backbone providers information to try to sort this out. Might have to try a VPN in the meantime to see if that helps. Much like you, Blizzard does not own or run the internet, they only run a service on a very small corner of it. Maybe if enough post then all parties can sort this out in a timely manner.