Stuck at level 57

I’m stuck at level 57 on my Paladin. The attunement quest for Plaguefall and halls of atonement is not working I completed all the bastion quests and there are no quests showing up in naxxramas. Please help, I do not want to spend 60 dollars on 3 levels.

If you are into group content.
Just sign up for a Random dungeon or three…

You do not have to do anything special to attune for dungeons, like Braulle said, you can just start signing up for random or specific normal dungeons (Halls, Necrotic, Mists, and Plaguefall should all be available from level 50-59).

If you are doing standard leveling (not threads of fate), you are going to need to finish all of the core questlines for each of the four zones before you can choose a covenant (unless they changed it in the last year, don’t quote me on this), so your focus should be that. When you open your quest log it should have a recommendation at the top right for what is next. You can open Achievements>Questing>Shadowlands, to see what your current progression is on the zone’s core story. If you cannot complete a stage in that progress you need to reach out to a GM for assistance. The zone order that the quests send you is Bastion, Maldraxxus, Ardenweald, Revendreth.

Alternately, if you are doing Threads of Fate what you’ll want to do is pick up the quest sending you to each of the four zones. Once you get one (such as “Rallying Maldraxxus”), and fly to the zone, you can return to Oribos and pick up the quest for the next zone and keep doing that until you have all four of them. From there you’ll level by doing side quests and bonus objectives in the four zones, running Torghast, running random dungeon queues, and doing PvP battlegrounds. If you’re doing ToF and have truly run out of all side questlines and bonus objectives and are only 57, then Torghast, PvP, and random dungeon queues are your best course of action. The achievements window can help you track if you’ve completed all of the zone’s side questlines.

Install that. Go to settings. Set the completion rate to “3”. Go to “Guide List” Pick the area (You missed stuff in Bastion and Maldraxxus for sure, pick one of those). If it tells you to pick up a FP or talk to a vendor, just check it off and go to the next thing.

Also, install TomTom, the two apps work together pretty well. TomTom gives you a giant arrow to follow to each point.

You’re not “stuck” at 57, you’re just having trouble finding the path.

Edit: Also, ignore the date. It was updated recently, they just haven’t updated the website. You can get the addon through Curse or WoWUp.

I can’t find Secutor Mevix!