Struggling in Mythic + this week with DISC

Disc doesnt show on All Healers M+ list until 30 - and its Jak of course. Keep reaching.

you are aware that disc got its buffs last week. and i literally showed you evidence of it being in a top 5 timed key. you cant be this ignorant.

Disc slaps in high keys and the spec has the highest damage output of all the healers now. I’m seeing logs of them ranging in the 25-30k dps range.

i can pull 50k dps under the right circumstances. usually 20-23k overall.

You understand that it’s the first week of tyrannical since the buff, and the same disc players that are ranking high don’t have tyrannical keys filled yet, right?

Jak himself doesn’t even have a tyrannical HoV done for disc.

The disc priest that has cleared the highest keys of all disc priests (at 26) doesn’t have ANY keys done in tyrannical week and is 2400 rated, lol. And it’s still an unpopular spec, too.

Honestly I’d be WAY more concerned about monk right now.

I don’t trust Emmery, her rating on Holy is way higher than her rating on Discipline.

Sounds like a snake oil salesman to me. New disc players: buyers beware.

One thing I’ve noticed this and last week is I’m getting asked which Priest healer spec I’m playing when I apply to keys. It’s happened at least 3-4 times already.

yeah cuz disc didnt get buffed till last week. if youre going to criticize someone post on your evoker your so proud of.

Wrong reply my friend. He just wants to be contentious and get some attn.

Disc was A tier. Just start and end with that

Doesnt have to be. It just has to do the job

If to do well you can only do it by playing meta and playing an EASY class to do it then, well i cant say more power to you cause damn you lose respect but you be you.


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One of the things i would suggest is if you are struggling for healing run halo not divine star. Halo when empowered by shadow cov heals for a truck load. You will sacrifice a little dps but have more healing. Its not key night for me till saturday but at first glance its one pce of advice i can offer. Another is, consider evang ITs something i will be running on certain bosses if i get those keys for a long atonement duration with the longer cov duration

is there an add on that will quickly target the one targetting you?

Not that I’m aware, but I’m sure there’s a weak aura somewhere. I can tell which one it is usually because it’s the last one that spawns or it shows as yellow on my name plates instead of red. Sometimes I just dominate mind the first spiteful that spawns just to help the dps out.

great tips, thnx. but yeah to echo others its hell for disc when theres so much going on and we rely on this ‘ramp’ style to be successful. it is a lot easier with the buffs but we still have it the worst just by design

For me it’s easy to see because Plater will color the nameplates of things that have aggro on me as Red so I know if it’s not red then I’m safe to walk by or ignore it, and if it’s Red I just either stay away or use dominate mind on it

Sometimes I’ll also instead dominate mind one that’s in melee if I see it trying to hit a melee DPS so he can stay in.

While quaking has been obnoxious (and I’ve hated it since its inception, because I almost exclusively play casters), I’ve been having an absolute BLAST on my disc priest since the 10.0.5 changes. I’m slowly catching up to my Evoker’s ilvl and eventually it’s probably going to become my main toon. Evoker healing in PuGs is just too annoying because no one knows how to position around one yet, lol.

I haven’t really noticed anything super crazy. We didn’t time the 10 RLP I just healed as disc, but that was not really my fault. No one interrupted the first boss’s cast, so we wiped. People mismanaged thundering, A LOT. We had one person burn 3 BRs getting hit by the boulder on second boss
 So yeah
 Ironically, the boss I was scared to heal (because its so painful to heal on my evoker) was the last boss and it turned out to be the easiest fight with that group. I’m not pushing anywhere in the realm of 20s with my disc priest, but so far I’ve had a blast. I finally feel like I can actually keep a group alive and atonement is doing something.

Ive done a +14 and didnt have to much problem but it could be your dps to. Had a warlock who wouldnt turn off fel rush and took only 10% less dmg than the tank

Someone can’t be this stupid . Pls tell me you’re joking :upside_down_face:

But If this is an act to get discipline buffed again, you are a hero and a martyr.

Anyway , this week was a tad harder than last week mostly because of tyrannical . Hyrja hits like a truck and I heard there’s a big where storm hits for double damage . But that’s not entirely a disc challenge.

Alright, got a chance to try a couple keys.

Quaking hasn’t been too bad for the interrupts. More for the mechanics overlap that would frustrate me on any healer. Getting quaking during the nokhud last boss spear or gale arrow sucks.

I’ve also found that people are just not good at halls of valor this week. I’ve tried this key a couple times and I’m getting groups that fall apart on fenrir because they’ll stack double bleed immediately and not use personals or something. Been a frustrating week because of that. Also lots of people not using their tools on Hyrja storms that they probably should (darkness, amz, etc). Still healable but leaving people in scary health when the storm ends above an 18 lol. Started to feel like I should just not try to play squid this week in that key in order to take more healing.

Other than regular pug stuff where people are eating tons of mechanics or I’ve gotten severely bad overlaps I’ve been pretty fine though.