<Struggle Bus> - Now Boarding Healers (Please..We Beg)

The Struggle Bus is now boarding for Heroic LOU! :oncoming_bus::fire:

Do you enjoy wiping on farm bosses? Do mechanics personally offend you? Do you believe success is optional but good vibes are mandatory? Then Struggle Bus is the guild for you!

We’re ~20 player raid team that somehow clears content Saturdays 8:30-11 PM EST. We have achieved AOTC every season since we started raiding. Currently 8/8N & 1/8H. We also have some dedicated Mythic+ runners who love suffering together.

:ambulance: Desperately seeking healers to keep this mess on the road. If you want a chill, fun-loving group that embraces the chaos and occasionally kills things, hop on the bus!

:trolleybus::dash:Want to join or know more feel free to contact me on Discord. (no skill check required, but a pulse helps).

DISCORD: raevenous

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