Structurally Compromised - Area 52 Recruiting Dps/Heals 1/10M SoD - 9/10H SoD

Structurally Compromised is a guild on Area 52 Horde that focuses on consistent mythic progression with a laid back environment. We are a guild composed of the remaining members of a Cutting Edge guild that unfortunately met an untimely end. The majority of our roster has CE experience, and we are looking for more raiders who are interested in killing lots of mythic bosses without killing ourselves in the process. This guild emphasizes pushing content while maintaining a fun, light-hearted environment.

It is extremely important to us that we promote and establish a family-like environment in the guild. While killing bosses is our primary objective the guild does not revolve around the raid and vice versa. Raiders and Trials will be free to invite whomever they want to play with. If those people wish to raid, there will be the same interview/trial process and expectations will be no different than an application from outside of guild.

Raid Times
Main Raid - Tuesday/Thursday 8-11 EST
Alt raid/RBG/General Shenanigans - Sunday 8-11 EST

This schedule is firm with start time and stop time. We will never add an additional raid day regardless of how close we are to killing a boss. We want to kill bosses as much as anyone else, but we recognize that WoW is a hobby and other things will take priority.

While we are promoting a laid back environment, no one wants to carry anyone. Performance isn’t the end-all-be-all but it is necessary for your performance to be on par with the other raiders in the guild. We are not here to troll each other, if you are the world’s greatest survival hunter that’s great! You still have to play the spec properly and meet the minimum raid requirements.

Raid requirements are as follows:

Knowledge of the fights prior to coming to raid (at least watch a generic video before coming to raid).

Gear gemmed, enchanted, and optimized for your chosen spec.

Consumables ready to go. Bring potions, weapon oils, and tomes. Other consumables will be provided.

Download required Addons - DBM/BigWigs, Exorsus Raid Tools, and Weak Auras.

These are the minimum requirements for the raid. If you choose to exceed them that’s fantastic! However, if your fellow raiders choose to meet them that does not mean that they are inferior or need to be flamed. Toxicity will not be tolerated in any way shape or form.

By no means will you be disqualified because of your choice of spec/class. Our decisions are solely based on merit. Go blast and get good logs, it helps!

DPS - We are heavily recruiting Balance druids / Mages / Warrior / exceptional dps will be considered too!

Tanks - No openings currently.

Healers - LF 1 flex healer.

All exceptional applicants will be considered regardless of recruitment needs

So all of this sounds good? Great let’s chat, but first please fill out our application here:

Still looking for a few people!

I might be interested. Hit me up in game Canonic-Area 52 or add me on Bnet Canonic@1233

Please Apply - Thank you

We are still looking for a healer and a couple dps!

Looking for more gamers :3 - We have cookies!

Still looking!

Ex-old school raider that has been looking to get back into raiding at high levels. My kids are now older and I’m looking for a semi-hardcore mythic raid team. I will be willing to put in maximum effort on raid nights during raid times. I do not have a problem being fully prepared. I will be fully enchanted, gemmed, food buff, flask, rune, etc. I’m not looking for guild repairs or handouts. I’m not looking to make weekly donations toward a guild either. I want to be on a team that wants to kill bosses and get loot. Drama and being social doesn’t interest me.

I have done plenty of content since Onyxia’s Lair (40 man). I will add links to all my relevant toons and add context below them, as to what role i have played.

I have a 229 MM Hunter and a 213 Boomkin/Guardian Druid.

I enjoyed my last guild, but there raid times were too late for me, and it started to effect my job, and I quit the game for about 6 months. Not trying to hide anything about what happened there.

Ranged DPS MM Hunter

0/10 SoD

4/10 M CN (8th raid week)
10/10 H CN (6th raid week)
10/10 N CN (2nd raid week)

Ranged DPS BM Hunter
3/12 M Ny’alotha
10/12 H Ny’alotha
5/12 M Antorous

Ranged DPS MM Hunter
Ahead of the Curve: The Black Gate
Time is a Flat Circle
13/13 H Hellfire Citadel
6/6 H Blackwing Descent
6/7 N Firelands

Vengeance Demon Hunter
Highest IO: 1080
Ahead of the Curve: N’Zoth the Corruptor
12/12 H Ny’alotha

Havoc Demon Hunter
Highest IO: 2594
Ahead of the Curve: N’Zoth the Corruptor
Ahead of the Curve: Argus the Unmaker
Ahead of the Curve: Xavius
3/12 M Ny’alotha
12/12 H Ny’alotha
6/9 H Battle of Dazar’alor
5/11 M Antorus, the Burning Throne
11/11 H Antorus, the Burning Throne
7/7 H Emerald Nightmare

Outlaw Rogue
Highest IO: 1650

Demo Lock

Most of Normal Cataclysm
2/7 H Firelands

Protection Warrior
5/12 H Ny’alotha
All Normal’s in Cataclysm
Most normals and some heroics in Wrath of the Lich King
1900 Rating in RBG’s

Elemental Shaman
Ahead of the Curve: Imperator’s Fall
7/7 N Emerald Nightmare
1/7 M Highmaul
7/7 H Highmaul
14/14 Siege of Orgrimmar
8/12 H Icecrown Citadel
Restoration Shaman
12/14 Ulduar
1/1 Eye of Eternity
1/1 Obsidian Sanctum (Sarth 3D, server 2nd)

Guardian Druid
Cutting Edge: Xavius
7/7 M&H The Emerald Nightmare
2/3 H Trial of Valor
9/10 H Nighthold

Brewmaster Monk
I/O 619.3
3/12 H Ny’alotha

Fire Mage that no longer exists

Fire & Frost Mage
2/6 Serpentshrine Cavern
1/1 Magtheridon’s Lair
2/2 Gruul’s Lair (Mage Tank)
10/10 Karazhan
1/1 Onyxia’s Lair (40 Man)

BTag: farrdaddy#1540
