Strongly disagree with covenant skill system

Strongly disagree with covenant skill , all additional skills should be access to all player no matter covenant we are in and we should allow to change additional skill with npc or station around the zone
But skill animation effect will be change depend on which Covenant we choose to give us feeling of covenant identity


We don’t have enough of this topics being flung around everywhere right now. I wish we could get downvotes back.


I am starting to feel like the playerbase doesn’t actually want “player agency”.


Not to mention that we haven’t seen what else Covenants have to offer. I understand certain concerns, but people having such stark distaste for a system they haven’t even seen in action yet is incomprehensible to me.

There’s SO much more to Covenants than just class abilities, and allegedly these are huge steps in customization and player agency. I’m biting my tongue before they show us what they have to offer.


Personally I like what I’ve seen and cant wait to see more. I like having a character that can differ from someone else. Everyone doesnt have to be cookie cutter to be viable. Unless you’re in the 1% actually pushing crap it won’t matter if you min/max your covent or pick the one you like.


Imagine all new skills can be pick freely without covenant gate , with animation effect of covenant we choose
give us tons of cool stuff


God forbid you have to make a choice.


Are you also against race and class choices?

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Most of the player base has no idea what player agency means

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There’s a difference between “player agency” and “you’re screwed out of abilities if you go the wrong route.”

As I said in another thread: Aldor and Scryers were fine, because it was just a few gear pieces and a couple crafting patterns. These are our actual abilities— which should be in the damn talent tree and not in another throwaway system (AGAIN) that screws you if you pick the wrong one.


I’d rather not have to choose between fun gameplay and fun aesthetics.


Races and classes are easily changed. Convenants are not. Racials are almost inconsequential. And talents or specs are swapped in seconds back and forth as much as you want.

Abilities belong in a talent tree, not on some throwaway system that is long and difficult to change.


I agree.

I get that.

But players specifically have been asking for “meaningful choices”. I don’t believe that is what they want.

They want no real choice, the ability to have everything, and to change everything impulsively according to their whims.

You can’t have a meaningful choice without consequence.

So when players cried out for “player agency”…well. Covenants give you meaningful choices that will impact your gameplay.

Sounds like the playerbase shouldn’t have grabbed on to a buzzword that didn’t describe what they actually wanted.


It may cause no issue in wm off stage but what about wm on world pvp? Player indirectly forced to choose covenant regarding to whatever they want to be good at pvp or want to be easy target.

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Player Agency, to me, is being able to select what Covenant Ability I’ve already earned depending on the kind of content I’m running.

If I tank for raids - I’d like to choose an ability that makes sense for that.

If after raid - I want to PvP as a healer or dps - I’d like the agency to be able to optimize for that.

Locking players down takes AWAY player agency.


You can have a meaningful choice for a storyline without having your gameplay abilities tied to it. Therein lies the difference in what you’re talking about compared to what they’re talking about.


Race maybe, with race changes. But again, it’s easier to change so it’s less impactful. Class cannot be changed, so I don’t know what you mean by that. The harder something is to change, the more impact it can have on the character.

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People like to complain just for the sake of complaining.


From nearly every definition I can find, that does not fit the description of what I feel is “player agency”.

You are asking for everything, not having to make an actual choice when it comes to covenant abilities. The only choice you are making is your group/raid role. (tanking, healing, dps, whatever). And you automatically just want whatever is best for every situation.


I was thinking specs. But alts can also easily be made and leveled or boosted.

Impact should be on storyline, not gameplay mechanics that can screw you over.

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