Strong melee DPS LF Guild

Hey Thrall,

TL;DR: 195 feral, LF AOTC guild. Raids must end by 11pm EST.

After taking a break in BFA, I’m returning and hoping to raid! I didn’t plan on playing a druid, I’m a long-time rogue but needed a change of scenery. I see boomkin is on top (yowser!) but I’m a melee at heart, so I’m sticking with feral.

A glance at my logs will show that I can push the buttons and pump the meters but will also show I’m an average Joe who made a few mistakes too.

At the end of the day, I’m looking for a guild who is looking for the player, not the class. My history with wow goes way back. I’m 46 years old, looking for a place with at least a few ok boomers I can relate to. But not a guild full of us, yuck, a healthy spread of age is good :slight_smile:

Finally, I’m not looking for a bench spot, I want to be somewhere where I’m wanted/needed. Raids must end by 11pm.

I enjoy running mythic+ and am working on a tank set for that.

To get in touch whisper Kurz on Thrall or: Kep#11729
Discord: Kep#0417

Hey! If you can’t find a group that fits that 11 pm cut off time for raids and could make it till 12. I understand you need to go to bed to get all rested up to yell at the kids to get off your lawn the next morning. We have a spot for you. You would be the official old man of the guild our current age range is 25 to 37. I will drop the guild info below. Best of luck to you.