Strike while the iron is hot!

Now that there is no doubt who is running the show, I humbly ask Activision to include a tournament realm in classic for arenas and even mythic dungeons!!!

It will improve your bottom line because I bet a lot of people will take interest. Thank you.

Oh sod off. Those layoffs were going to happen anyway.


Ok… and then the whole project will fail miserably, because the people interested in that will just play the latest expansion, while the very fanbase that made enough of an uproar about releasing vanilla to get Blizzard’s attention will abandon the game.


It’s not just the layoffs. It’s the conference call that doesnt even mention classic in 2019, or any other releases like WC3. It’s the terrible financial landscape. It’s their push for mobile games.

All I’m saying is now is the time to present ideas that will make classic a better, more inviting game that will actually make some money. The idea I presented here is for. Separate realm like they did back in the early days, for arenas.

Report and move on. For real.


They’re not major releases. That’s why they weren’t mentioned.

You don’t know any more than I do unless you secretly work at blizz. I smell blood in the water and I dont want to miss an opportunity to voice my opinion on classic.

Report him and move on. This is whiskees alt otherwise known as a troll.


Is it still technically low-hanging fruit if it’s already on the ground dead?

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0/10 …blah blah blah, ten characters.


You need to find something to do besides trolling. It’s getting pathetic.

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But if I reply then there is a better chance for people to report you and give you are vacation again.

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It could happen. I just don’t see it happening or interest lasting very long in this with the classic ruleset. Obviously imbalance and DR will win the day. Lol

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Lol A+ clip love it. That’s me knockin out forum trolls.

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I would definitely roll a paladin on a tournament realm that had arenas. I don’t know if these forums could handle the flood of tears though man.

Id rather something like that be in retail. A mythic option for all dungeons scaled to 120.

I am amazed at people who still engage him.

Stop trolling and out with you…scoot along and be annoying somewhere else.

0/10 (character limit)

:face_with_monocle: Hmm, yes… Quite :face_with_monocle:
