Stressing out w/politics in workplace

Tomorrow, my workplace will be forcing us to support politics in work and I have mixed feelings about it. I think it’s so wrong to bring politics into work. Should I still go in tomorrow and treat it like a normal work day?

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Whoever your boss is quite frankly is a idiot.

Lets take somthing that is generally a toxic subject and gets people into heated arguments and make a point to talk about it everyday.

I actually think that is not really allowed in the workplace and MOST HR managers would shut that stuff down FAST…

I’d go to HR and be like WTF.


Sounds like sensitivity training.

Check your State Laws. It may actually be illegal to attempt to influence or coerce your decision on voting or politics. Employers have no business touching politics.

If it is illegal according to your State, don’t raise a scene because that usually just ends up getting you on the wrong side of HR. You may win in Court but not for months/years and it’ll cost you. Document and report to your State’s labor board.


That definitely sits a little wrong. I dont feel like anybody should be able to make you do anything with politics. Getting involved is your personal choice.

Could you describe in some way what they are requiring you to do?

See this where politics have becoming very toxic here in US. If you don’t support X,Y,Z it may cost your job. its not right. your boss should like this “Idc what your view in politics are, your race, or your gender. Can you get the job done?” I would simply just find a new job.

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Agreed. Since this year went to crap…you know like in January. We’ve had all kinds of conferences to attend mostly on covid but when the country went bat crap crazy theres diversity and inclusion seminars that we are highly encouraged to attend…but its not required.

Keep in mind there’s a lot of testing at my job just to stay compliant with certifications HIPAA and joint commission stuff. So i guarentee the inclusion and diversity stuff will be on tests this year.

After years of this process though its no biggie. You do what you got to do.

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If they are a private business then sure. If you dont agree with it just lie and pay lip service.

Using workers to push an agenda in massively unethical. I have very little knowledge of litigation on this matter but if people are using their power to force or pressure people into doing non-job-related things they don’t actually want to, you may consider a lawsuit. I have no idea if that qualifies, but at the very least, raising hell in HR would be warranted. That’s up to you though.

I wonder if anyone is watching the presidential debate today? It was very interesting, of course our current president is being belligerent and biden was being mature but I found it interesting anyhow.

I did. It was a complete circus. All I got out of it was Trump endorsing white supremacists and telling them to standby and help stop people from voting.


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