Stress test today doesn't require Sub


Its nice that you think so. The fact of the matter is not that.

Your BattleNet account is active. Your game account is not.

Here’s the test:

  1. Go to this address
  2. Read the text in orange next to the entries for WoW.
  3. If it says Active, you’re good. If it is in orange and reads “Inactive” your game account is NOT active.

Jumping to conclusions before anything definitive can be observed. It show’s up in the BDA? It’s installable? Can log into the game? Can access the realm list?.. all means nothing. Just like the beta realms not being available to the stress testers despite being present in the realm list.

What solely matters is if one can load into the world without an active account. And since that isn’t possible for anyone yet…


There already is a blue post and I quoted the part that said “active game account”.

What more do you want…a phone call from Bobby ?

Just saying…

bah…let the tears flow at 5 minutes past live.

False. I’ve been playing the Classic beta daily since a few days after it started without a sub :sunglasses:

They want access without paying for it. That much is obvious. This thread is just to keep their hopes alive long enough that we’ll be busy in the stress test and not see their tears.

Oh, that one confirms it even further.

I just don’t understand why on Earth this is even up for debate.
Active account means purchased game time has been applied to the account. When you have a sub, on your account page it says “active”. If you don’t, it says “inactive”.

It’s always the undead rogues… right outta nowhere and BAM!

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I’ll see them and have a laugh for you while you play :slight_smile:

Here’s a blue post saying the important part, it’s less vague than just “active” where people can twist what part of their account is active into being what they mean.

It’s literally the subscription that needs to be active.

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Yes. You must have game time on your game account such that when you look at it in the page, it says “Active” not “Inactive”.

Its not that hard.

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Well duh…there’s only one part of your account that can be active.

I can’t see who you were replying to, so I don’t know which way you were presenting it.

But, purchasing BFA and having an active account aren’t the same things. One can have an active account but never have purchased BFA.

If you click the link it links to Kaivax’s post…

Once you try to play a character it will tell you that you need time. I can almost guarantee you.