Stress Test Share Your Status

It’s been one week since their very first stress test. Take some deep breaths, it’s not early access.

Welp, I’m in.

Heh well i got into a queue so that’s progress i guess.

I’m back to the server connection Boss :frowning:

1 hour 55 min, I am in.

All in all compared to the prior stress test, there really was some progress made here. Keep up the great work Blizz!

I cant get in still reeeeeeeeeee

I’m in with my level 5 NE warrior.

Here is a error code I am getting, it says servers offline and 51900309

I’m seeing a lot of people logging into Northshire so we are getting there folks. Keep rocking!


I’m there dude

Then don’t play at launch?

Yes. Because the solution to the game having issues at launch is “Don’t play.”

It does have a certain kind of logic to it. The less people that play, the less issues there are. Just sayin’

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True but then it becomes FF7 and not a mmo.

server says locked i think? clicked on it anyway and got immediately into character creation and just loaded into the server. yay! First time for me! :smiley:

Sharding/Layering must be fixed.
It is killing the game already.
See cdew clip


Down to 200 in my queue; will update when/if I get in.

Well I’m in and there’s so many people I have no hope of completing the level 1 quest, so looks like it’s working :stuck_out_tongue:

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Position in queue: 88 eta <1 min