Streams are off, nobody qs

Why you hiding

The ladder has kind of been like this from wrath onwards though. The only difference back then was there was far more competition at the high end which you’ll actually find if you do tbc arenas in the eu/us battlegroups (oceanic battlegroup is actually a straight joke).

carry on then


hard comp to climb rating as ig

Yea it’s pretty crazy honestly Mud. Like seriously your arena mate last games tracked are 6-2 and if I last recall from Ssds’s stream it was actually you who went 5-1 into them, but I never see you qing up any other time /shrug

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No it’s just a coincidence that kidkaos/chauman queued up after a month when vanguards returned to wow playing with a kyrian war

Love you Mud but literally no one cares about anything that happens in this game right now.


Yea i can hardly queue because of my work hours as it is.
But i’m the only ret war you’ll see spam qing into xiuni rmp

Aren’t you friends with Epstein?


Wo wo wo don’t get silenced too fast

The amount of dirt we have on him is insane, don’t worry. He lives in a delusional world where he thinks the people he’s abused before didn’t leak it lol


I thought we were talking about arena, you know, under the arena forums? Clowns

wats ur kind doin around here…

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Guess I got confused, I thought I was posting on a 3k+ ret warr forum thread, but all I see are dk’s and WW’s going off topic.

i wonder what topics the police would have to talk to u about if they pulled ur chat logs


Sorry what are you talking about? Sorry, I don’t like to repeat myself, but this is an arena forum thread.

Your arenamate is so self incriminating. It isn’t even comparable to the other ret warriors on the ladder because none of them are as blatant as yours.

My last 2 q sesh I went 3-5 and 4-3 so I’m not sure what you’re talking about? I’ve also fought 1 jungle and 9 other melee cleaves the last 10 games… so…

Dude insane you’re just referring to their ages now?