Streamers think they're announcing USA Classic Fresh Wednesday

Do people just enjoy getting hyped up just to get absolutely soul crushed by this company over and over again?

I don’t get it.

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If you don’t like the company then dont play ^.^ Seems they still have you on the hook so i guess you answered your own question love! Hope you have a great day Throwinhands :people_hugging:


Nothing would make me more flaccid than a classic fresh announcement.


People can still play a game and not like the company. Use your brain bud.


I dont know what the appeal is for a fresh era. I mean, it will 100% turn into current Era. Bots and GDKPs.

Now, give me something new and I would be all over that.


streamers are the single worst thing to happen to online games ever


people want to follow the restedxp guide to 60 without thinking for themselves for a 4th time


Lol people actually still follow streamers?

classic fresh on a pvp server but my lvl 60 gets transferred over

and there cult followers!!! That take everything they say as facts

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Have you tried medication?


typical brainrot take


SoD is gross. it’s ick. we need to RETVRN to tradition. Fresh is the way. 'nilla is imbalanced but that imbalance makes it perfectly balanced, as all things should be. healers in their dresses, dps specs on top, tanks being front and center - the protagonist of the wow, if you will.

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Ehhh vanilla is pve to pvp until they fix that the game will keep dying at AQ

nothing to fix. sounds like you just need to play retail

Yea good take bud.

Era died at aq
Som died just before
Sod is literally dying off right now at AQ

When pve gear starts dominating pvp its a wrap every time. How many times do you need to see it before you realize it?

Classic was built on world pvp and the world being alive. Raid logging is fun, amirite?

PVP was definitely better when Tier2 was the highest iLevel.

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thanks! i thought it was too

They have to completely revamp pvp gearing in classic plus or its going to donk out just like the last 3 attempts.

Stack res on pvp gear. Until then it will continue to be a joke