Streamer Servers?

I’m desperately wanting to avoid streamer servers. However, a couple of my friends believe its the best place to be and want to roll on Faerlina. What are safe servers that any of the bigger streamers have yet to announce they are playing there.

I personally would prefer a medium pop realm. Are all the medium pop realms full of streamers so far?

your friends must be streamer fanboys id tell them enjoy your 5 hour que times and enjoy a crashed server 80% of the time…lol.

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a few of them are. Unfortunately for me, they believe itll be a better experience.

But I’m just not on board with asmongolds ability to control the gurubashi arena and rage kick anyone from his group that tries to contest the trinket.

Or the fanboys who give them gold so they can buy whatever they want. It takes away from the game as a whole if they just have to complain about something and then someone gives them gold to buy said thing


if you roll there thats whats going to happen but play with your friends that whats most important.

fyi the streamers are going to run that server.

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I am well aware of that and thats why im trying to find other server suggestions

herod will be no streamers unless they invade it and its full so the wait times are long if your eastern time zone stalagg or seekram are good options for pvp.

there are also 4 new servers opening up today before it goes live.

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all servers except 4 are listed as FULL currently. I’ve already told my friend that “the hype train cometh” and ive gone back to my original server plans and will forget bouncing around to the next lowest pop. It will all die down once everyone on the internet gets their 12hrs of taste and go back to what ever life they had before this was announced. Then we can all raid in peace!

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Pretty sure the most popular streamer is rolling on Herod.

no they mite invade herod but thats not the streamer server.

faerlina is the guaranteed streamer populated server so i wouldnt go there, 4 new servers coming up in like 3.5 hours


Probably a good idea.

I felt that way, but was quickly convinced otherwise.

The biggest deterrent is the fact that you won’t be able to even login to Faerlina unless you are a streamer. Expect Faerlina queue times to be measured in hours.

There’s a website that tracks that information. It’s “avoidstreamers”. You’ll have to search for it. I can’t post links for some dumb reason.

Stalagg, Grobbulus, and a few others shouldn’t have any streamers.

The medium population realms should all be streamer-free. Any realm they go to will instantly be full.

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There are no streamer servers.
EVERY server will have a mix of small, medium and large streamers.
This is 2019 not 2004.
You want streamers if you want classic WoW to stay healthy

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WoW Classic

people keep talking about how the classic community is wonderful and how many friends they make in the game… so maybe you can find other people to play with on your server of choice and let them have their fun on faerlina

my friend is rolling on alliance and i’m staying on horde, no hard feelings so far

There will be streamers on every server, Asmon himself has 30-40k viewers at a time. If only 10% of his viewers were trying to play with him, it would fill a server.

Honestly the impact streamers are going to have on your daily gameplay is minimal to nonexistant. These forums like to doomsay it as the end fo wow as we know it, but this is the same group of people who got upset about skeletons being changed.

Play what you want and ignore the naysayers. You’ll have a fun time either way.

Lirik is going grob server

My concern is world events, and queue times. Both of those are easily contested by a streamer.

My undying hatred started when Asmongold held the gurubashi arena hostage so he could get the trinket. The ability to get 40 people to help one person get that trinket shouldn’t exist.