<Strategery> 3/8 M 8/8 H LF Healers exceptional DPS Sun/Mon 8-11p CST


In just a few short weeks, our team has toppled H Queen, and we are now 3/8 Mythic. We are looking for more to bolster our ranks to keep pushing through this tier.

Our guild consists of like-minded working adults who enjoy the escape of WoW but also like to challenge themselves with content. We run M+ nightly to help our members gear and crest farm.

If you are intrigued by this, contact our recruitment officer, Beetz, or myself for further information.

Current Needs:
3-5 Exceptional DPS (Prio: druid, warrior, evoker)

We will consider any class/spec that wishes to progress in a Mythic setting.

Raid Days are Sunday and Monday from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. CST.

Recruitment Officer

Discord: Beetz

Bnet: Beetus#11493


Discord: machtstreben

Bnet: Mach#11855

LF more RDPS. Pref mage/boomkin (anything but hunters)

LF non-warrior tank and exceptional DPS. Prio Mage, Elesham, Evoker.

Still at it. LFM for H Queen and mythic!

H Queen is down. Just need a few more for Mythic. Reach out for more information.

Let’s get some healers in here

Still on the hunt for more

Bumperino my guy

2/8M as of last night. LFM to join the team!

Still LFM to join our team. It is a great group with great push potential next season

Still LFM. Full on ret pallies.

Let’s get at season 2! Need more raiders

LFM for season 2! Join now and be ready for the next raid.