Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganza

I read about this weekly event being bugged, but nevertheless attempted the challenge in hopes of a Dread Pirate Ring. I’d like to confirm this event is bugged. *

The event ends after one lucky winner turns in their 40 tastyfish. After this happens (or is at least announced) players are unable to catch anymore tasteyfish nor are able to turn in any tasty fish they might have fished prior. Essentially, their tastyfish catch count is rendered nonexistent. Mixed Ocean Schools still popup, however.

I waited all week for this event specifically for the Dread Pirate Ring (I want to level an alt), but sadly have been disappointed with a bug. Please fix this ASAP, otherwise many players’ time’s being wasted each week this bug is allowed to continue.

(* I say ‘bugged’ because no announcement of altercation to this event has been made. Apparently, this event used to allow for fish to be caught and handed in up to two hours after its beginning. None of the tasyfish caught are registered as having been caught (meaning one cannot hand any into Jang later). Further regarding what else is bugged (and for how long) regarding this event.)


Does Blizzard read these forums?


This is still bugged. Unbelievable, Blizzard. Absolutely unreal.

I wanted to say that yesterday after only 38 fish there were 4 announcements back-to-back-to-back-to-back. I asked if 50 people actually turned in their quest that fast? And if so why then is there still an NPC to turn in fish if they disappear.

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To this day 7FEB21 it is still bugged. I lost all my fish and cannot fish from pools.