Storymode raid buff exploit still being used by m+ groups

This is an alt and I do it because when I want to improve I look at what other people are doing and there is no better way than looking at exactly what cast sequence people are doing and its discouraging seeing them with so many party buffs and knowing you are not going to get the same results when you are missing them unless you are willing to exploit.

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I’ve never exploited anything and I’m 100 points over title. I play with 3600 players that have never heard of this either. You don’t need to exploit to time keys. It’s not capping anything. Quite frankly this is the first time I’ve ever heard of this exploit

One isn’t related to the other. You can see what the cast sequence is, and don’t worry about the buffs. For what you’re doing it’s not any different than if they have buffs in their group that you don’t have in yours. You can still check your performance against theirs.

When they have 3% vers, int and 5% additional stamina its going to make a huge difference and you will have to play things differently :expressionless:

I’m listening. Explain the difference in play.

When you have that much of a stat advantage you can get away with doing things sub optimally, dont even get me started on mistletoe and garrison buff giving ppl over 5k additional vers :disappointed:

This is what I’d like to learn specifically. What types of suboptimal changes do top echelon players make to their actual cast sequences in the presence of string buffs?

For example in rsham groups they give ppl hp buffs through their heals and its important that people be constantly receiving heals in order to maintain these hp % buffs even when no actual damage has gone out but because of the additional vers and stamina from these buffs they dont have have to do this and save a large amount of mana having to only heal when damage has actually gone out. In grim batol you are nearly getting 1 shot by both of the first bosses abilities and need that extra hp from the rsham but because of all of these stats they get to live without having to minmax these hp buffs.

So the buffs are preventing you from seeing the optimal healing cast sequence of top players during no damage intervals? Am I understanding that correctly?

They are using buffs that should not be accessible with their comp.
That is like a football team using drugs to give them a boost over the others. So that analogy actually did make sense. Since the fans watching, that notice the drug use, can see the team is cheating. I don’t need to be rank 1 to cheer for my fav team pushing rank 1.

On the flip side, you and everyone should be disgusted by these people cheating. It makes the whole point of pushing high IO pointless. Not that there is much reason anyways, bragging rights maybe?

TL:DR - It’s an exploit, and wrong. If Blizz wants to make a statement to contradict that, then I’d change my mind. I’d stop playing and cancel my sub, but I’d my mind.

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That’s exactly the point for me. I’m not disgusted by people using buffs they probably shouldn’t have access to pushing keys I’m not interested in doing.

I would understand better if the complaint were coming from someone who is right on the cusp of the title and potentially getting edged out by cheating. But that’s not where the complaint is coming from, and I haven’t looked into it, but they’re making it sound like everyone at the top is doing it. If that’s the case, there’s no competitive advantage being gained, and no need to have a knee jerk reaction and mess with the scores. It can wait until season 2.

There are just so many better things to clutch pearls about than a tiny percentage of people leveraging buffs that are working the way the buffs are intended, even if they shouldn’t have them, in content hardly anyone is doing.

I can assure you the very top players that are not using this exploit are complaining about it. On Yoda and Kess’s stream I personally have heard them throw shade at those exploiting.
I doubt I’ll reach title, and not that I’m worried about it. I still find these people cheating disgusting though.

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And I understand that entirely.

Disgust is investing a lot of emotional effort on people who aren’t affecting my life in any way.

Why are you trying harder to sound too cool for school than just accepting that people can be upset about something without much investment?

You’re accusing players of wasting time on something that doesn’t affect them yet you’ve posted as much as them just trying to talk it under the rug.

Under the pretense of “assuaging their fears” you’ve tried to debunk their concerns in favor of justifying exploitative behavior. I’m not at all convinced you care about their actual feelings on the matter so in reality you’re just trying to gaslight them because you don’t believe it’s a problem.

I’d say this should be fixed, but it doesn’t feel like Blizzard has the bandwidth to correct much of anything at the moment.

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After your lengthy diatribe against Sosari in a topic to which you contributed nothing, you’re in no position to lecture me about anything.

I made an initial comment, and have simply responded to direct replies to me since then.

You’ve misunderstood me entirely. I never claimed to assuage any fears, I haven’t tried to debunk any concerns, and I haven’t justified exploitive behavior.

I have questioned the importance of the question, I have agreed that it probably shouldn’t be permitted, and speculated that it would likely be fixed in the next season.

I really don’t. I don’t have any malice, but yeah, caring about strangers’ feelings about a tiny, tiny issue is also more emotional investment than I’m willing to expend.

Your cynicism is easily observed in every thread you post in, but I believe this was an oversight and expect it will be corrected for S2 and beyond.

This whole game is founded in the premise of marginal gains. Incrementally layered boosts leveraged for maximum advantage.

To suggest that Mark, Fort and AI are insignificant gains is reductive just to support your point.

I’ve died to overkill that would have absolutely been prevented by that much additional health and DR and I imagine the margins are even finer in higher keys.

I fail to see what value there is in trying to convince others that it’s not that big of a deal.

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Great, except for the part where I never said anything about the buffs being insignificant gains…

I said that if everyone is doing it, as the OP alleges, than the net gain competitively, vis a vis other groups, is zero.

I fail to see what value there is in trying to convince others that it is that big of a deal, so here we are.

The issue isn’t that the buffs aren’t significant, and it’s not that this type of behavior isn’t shady at best.

The issue is that M+ is PvE, and what a group that I’m not in does has no effect on my experience. It’s not until we get to the 0.1% and 0.1% adjacent that there is a PvP competitive element.

In that context, explain to me why a tenth of a percent of the M+ community needs advocacy for a niche issue that will most likely be corrected in S2? This is like someone trying to make international news that the world’s best ultimate frisbee players are all using non regulation discs and worrying that the regulatory agency for International Ultimate Frisbee isn’t going to do anything about it. Why would anybody care?

And it’s not as though these buffs are functioning differently than normal to rise to the level of a saronite bomb exploit. What would you say if instead of removing this loophole, Blizzard decided to just activate all of these buffs at the beginning of every key?

So you think they’re significant buffs?

Of course I do. This is a really weird thing to zoom in on, especially when I clarified my entire position in the post you quoted. The significance of the buffs has absolutely nothing to do with the points I’ve been making…

If you’re think they’re important, what would be the point of arguing against the impression that allowing them to exist through an exploit is bad?

Honestly, what it sounds like you’re doing is running damage control for Blizzard.

“Oh honey, it’s not a big deal, bless your little socks for worrying about it.”

What is the value to you, to try and downplay their feelings on the subject, just because they don’t have a direct stake in the situation?

Like I said before, you’re trying to diminish the perceived impact to either make them feel better, or make Blizzard looks less inept.

Either way, the perception of M+, especially in the media that covers this game, is poor. Allowing another line item to sit on their list of grievances feels like a very cavalier way to further damage the reputation of the content.