Story quests locked to renown

I couldn’t resist

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Who would have thought, when it first came out, that the Simpsons would be the longest running TV show in the history of Television.

By the way, the Simpsons started in 1989 one year after the Energizer Bunny took over Energizer ads from Mary Lou Retton. That bunny “Keepsl going and going and going and going”.

I think it is timegated just like previous expansion

It’s a lame way to drip feed you content unfortunately. They want you hooked, not too much but just enough so you keep coming back for more.

Gotta keep paying for t hat sub


I agree, people pointed out that if you look at the renown reward it show when it unlocks questslines but my question is it just the questline for that specific renown ? I play the game primarily for the story up till shadowland this has been available all the way through, I’m talking the MAIN storyline of the game. I’m ok with the story of each faction being behind renown, not the MAIN.

The thing that pisses me off more is that Blizzard keep saying we’re making it so you can play and do the things you want to do. Well I want to play the main story, I don’t know if I have to raise just on renown or all of them, plus world quests are probably the best way to get renown one all the quests are gone and that is weekly.
Does it matter: yes because it’s what I want to experience and the #1 reason I play the game.

This makes it mandatory because I want to do it, and that is the way it’s setup.
Will I unlock it eventually: yes but I have nothing to do in the mean times so kinda important. Not to mention not nowing what exactly to do discourages me a lot.
and no I can not focus on it because but Blizzard taking options away and saying they don’t want to make things mandatory mean I can’t just go and do it.

Time gate and renown gate was the reason shadowland pissed me off I basically experienced that game through youtube and wowhead see a new cutscene wondering why I didn’t get that in game, looking all over for the quests only to find out it’s time gated.

When I’m trying to enjoy a book that I bought and as soon as I finish a chapter someone come in and takes the book and tells me you’ll get it later doesn’t make me feel good.

I’d feel better if at least it would say raise rep with Valdrakken or Dragonscale Expedition to unlock next chapter or if it was timegated wait for Alexstrasza to be prepared for the next step that would at least give me an idea. but just raise your rep? well there is 4, 2 seem like they’d be related to the story but the tuskarr and centaur would make sense for the main storyline in my opinion. And if you want me to raise my rep to continue the story then give me at least a daily or repeatable quest to grind the rep because that it what I want to do as blizzard has repeatably been praising this exp.


Should i assume this Renown stuff is unaffected by the Humans Diplomacy racial?

And if so, why dont we just change their racial?

To them, yes it does, because it’s an important part of their game.

Renown is if you want to get the storyline. You seem to have missed the point.

Learn to read past the first sentence and you won’t have to ask such a silly question.

Again, not the point the OP was making. I really wish people would read.

Still not the point. But again, you’d know that if you read the OP.

It’s rep gated. We know. You know. But you’d also understand if you read.

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Rep gets you renown levels.

Jesus H


Why does everything need to be free and available in week one.

Renown is a system that at should keep players engaged for at least one season.

If you want to unlock something early some rush is required or as op want they can just do it gradually and unlock it over time.

Story is only that… Story, there is nothing locked behind story anyway, at least for now…
And it doesn’t run away.

People are already complaining there is nothing to do…

Why do you insist on not reading? :roll_eyes:

It’s not even worth it if you’re going to not read and make bad faith arguments. Sorry you can’t comprehend what people are saying.

No it doesn’t bother me. I’m thankful. I would do it all in one day and then be sad.

Do I really need to start quoting the op?

Like they are complaining that story is locked behind renown.

They wanted to do renown gradually… And now feel forced to do it in a rush.

At the end they ask for removal of renown requirements or reduction of renown.

Meaning as I stated in my last post, op wants everything (Story) available on day one.

I’m writing my Congressman as we speak.


You really need to start comprehending what you read. Because you don’t. Or you ignore it to push piss poor arguments.


You also failed to read and comprehend anything else written in this thread. You’re just outright dismissing everyone with bad arguments.

Have fun with that, I’m not entertaining it.

It’s not “everything” it’s the base freaking story of the expansion. Stop simping so hard.

We’re complaining there’s nothing to do because it’s f’ing timegated at such a low thresshold.

People on these boards are so damn weird. Why are you out here fighting for your life over something like this? The devs aren’t going to notice you.


It sure is affected. I shadowbox my two accounts, my “mains” are a Draenei and a human with the human character dragged around uselessly through the content while this character basically kills everything for her.

All the same quests, all the same content done so far. Right now my Renown levels for my Draenei are:

  • 9 Dragonscale Expedition
  • 10 Maruuk Centaur
  • 6 Iskaar Tuskarr
  • 7 Valdrakken Accord

The current Renown for my human character is:

  • 10 Dragonscale Expedition
  • 11 Maruuk Centaur
  • 7 Iskaar Tuskarr
  • 8 Valdrakken Accord

As you go on, the more that 20% adds up.

Don’t forget, Blizzard has got the player base literally begging for timegating these days! Demanding it! Because if you can do something that you like a lot as often as you want, then someone else who doesn’t like that content might feel like they have to do it or you win in some nebulous way in non-competitive content.

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Not really. I enjoy not being able to complete everything in the first week.

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The solution to that is a reasonable amount of content, not timegating a very small amount of it lmao

It’s only WEEK 2 of the expansion don’t burn through everything. (I do mean everything)