the curio from story mode gallwix is 623 unable to be turned in to the person
Same here. Item can not be turned in.
Same as well
Story mode isn’t awarding a tier curio for me or anyone else I’ve talked to who has ran it. Can you post a screenshot of the item or a wowhead link to it? I find it hard to believe that Blizz would introduce an RNG loot factor to the story mode path to finishing the campaign.
I got a 623 curio from him in story mode today. but it cant be exchanged for anything. they might have disabled the drop by now until they fix it, idk.
i submitted bug reports and a support ticket, and the GM just told me to report it as a bug… “the more people report it the faster it gets fixed”… really? that’s sad. don’t rely on us to fix something that major
same here , item cannot be turned in
Its hard to believe that this small indie company sometimes makes mistakes like erasing all the gear from guild banks and not giving it back or sending out items that have no use and can’t be exchanged for anything…
Story Mode isn’t supposed to drop loot whatsoever.
There was nothing in the patch notes about that changing, maybe it was planned at one point and this was just an oversight.
I was surprised to see loot drop to be honest, but the piece of 623 gear I got was not upgradeable (no Adventurer/Veteran track), so I assumed it was intentional. However, the armor type did not match my character, so it’s just vendor trash atm.
any update on this, blizzard???