Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

With evidence that the bible has been altered over the thousand or so years it has existed (there are a few bible verses that got added in at some point as those ones are not in the early copies of the “books” of the bible), at one point maybe magic did exist in the bible. Only to be recontextualized or flat out removed at some point.

If Yven was Jehovah’s Witness, no way he would be allowed to play WoW. Considering some of the stuff you learn from former Jehovah Witnesses and their personal experiences with the cult (I’ve been watching a lot of Telltale’s videos lately). Something like WoW would be made by the devil and used to turn kids to his side. Plus it allows exposure to people outside of the cult. Which is a big no no.

The premise that you “burn witches” is incorrect also. You hung people that were found “guilty” of witchcraft. Burning them would give them a weapon they could use (aka fire). Some areas burned them after they were already killed by hanging though.

The Prosperity gospel is probably the biggest and most successful con in the history of cons. The bible contradicts that pile of lies numerous times. But people like money, they like greed and they will believe any scumbag who stands on a stage and says, “give ‘God’ money and you will get it back tenfold”. There is a reason why most pastors and televangists that preach that pile of crap allied themselves with Trump. And also why people like Kenneth Copeland gets so butthurt when people criticise him over his numerous private jets that costs tens of millions of dollars US.

It is basically history repeating itself with the Catholic Church. With the whole “donate to the church and your loved ones will go to Heaven”.


There are a few people who think WoW disrespects Christianity, but I would like to know where in the Bible there are orcs? So that we can really make sure WoW isn’t missing anything important.

Are people not equally upset they made Moses an orc? Thrall is literally verbatim Moses, his mom even put him in a basket and sent him down a river. Are they aware the Horde are therefore stand-ins for the Israelites?


Thrall doesn’t have a beyblade though


I mean, there’s a lot of pagan and old world myths and religions in WoW too. Like the troll beliefs in Loa(Lwa IRL) and Bwomsomdi who also is a real life Haitian God.

It’s why I can’t take Christian’s serious. They act like the whole world should revolve around their beliefs. And I don’t mean to offend anyone, it’s just a habit I notice a lot of them seem to have. :wolf:


Personally I loved all the “NO ONE EXPECTS THE SPANISH INQUISITION” stylings of the Scarlets and I spent eight God damn years in my life in Catholic school so I get to have an opinion.

I actually thought it was ridiculous they changed the Scarlets to Onslaught and gave the Argent’s Crusade. I still refer to them as the Dawn and Crusade regularly because that was a silly change that made everyone’s names worse.

Like I’m just going to come out with a bold take here - the Crusades; maybe not the best idea.


Changing the Scarlet Crusade to Onslaught was dumb because functionally they’re still the same organization. It’s not like their beliefs suddenly changed by moving to Northrend.

And the whole Dus Vult obession white men seem to have is just…weird. Europe at the time the Crusades were taking place was not a place any of us today would survive. We’ve become too pampered as a society. :wolf:


Tbh the Arab world was the hotbed of scientific discovery and academic research at that time.

Europe wasn’t quite as backwards and idiotic as some people think. Yeah it was the Dark Ages but people still basically behaved sensibly. Okay maybe not during the Black Death but we’ve all seen how reasonably modern people respond to a plague. And that was perhaps the worst plague in human history. So did indeed get pretty weird.


Mesopotamia is the cradle of civilization. Sumerian, Assyrian, Akkadian, and Babylonian were the first great civilizations.


Despite being spoiled I went out and bought the Sylvanas novel. As well as the Eastern Kingdoms book.


Lots of people like to give Greece credit for those advancements. I suspect these same scholars don’t want to acknowledge how ahead of their time most Arab countries were. There were and are a lot of really smart Arabs who never got the credit they deserve.

The more we uncover about history, the more we learn how much we been taught in school is simply wrong :wolf:


It’d already been spoiled for me and honestly I think that’s why I’m relatively soft on it.

Insofar that I do argue it is certainly entertaining in it’s own right, and isn’t without redeeming qualities. Golden’s writing is quite good. Pity her stories frequently aren’t. These two things aren’t as synonymous as some people believe them to be.

And from the start I’ve said there could be no satisfying ending to this tangled web of stupidity. So, an amusing one at least is better than a boring one. Which is what most of this was.

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And a lot of the laws we use today or at least the basis for them, were first found written on old Sumerian tablets. They really were ahead of their time.

But I’m sure you already knew that :wolf: :stuck_out_tongue:

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I’m probably coming off as insufferable but I’d agree certainly the most influential and sophisticated one in terms of it’s age. But what qualifies as civilization is a pretty, complicated, question.

Personally I’m of the school of thought that believes the base evidence for it are healed bones. In the wild a broken limb is a death sentence. That shows those humans were organized enough to bind a wound and let the person rest and heal for extended periods of time. Which means the situation wasn’t so all hands on deck 24/7 that somebody could clock out for months if need be. Which would suggest some dominance over the perils of the natural world, IE; civilization.

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What are you talking about? lol

To put it in historical perspective, the Sumerians were an advanced civilization at the same time Stonehenge was being built.

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Oh I’m being an insufferable pedant lol.

But such is the fate of everyone who used phrases like histography. Which is just reading history while remembering people have always been gifted at BS.


You are absolutely gifted at bs. But I like that about you.

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I am in sales IRL. Comes with the territory I’m afraid.

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My condolences.


I came here to say I love all of y’all.

That is all.


What the actual fuhh, I just learned that two RP OCs from WrA were added as NPCs into the game and it’s a brother/sister incest pair. I’m about to make a thread on this.

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