Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

What the what… this is why I avoid the deeper ends of RP.

File this under “things I wish I didn’t read.”


Did they change the look of the forums just now?

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Temporarily they did. It’s back to normal now


Okay yeah that was horrible. Now it’s back to normal.

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I thought my mobile formatting was all wonky! I legit thought I was in the process of getting another ban.


Lol, yeah I saw that thing about outgoing emails at the top too, I was like what is happening am I banned? I’m hoping that’s not like a look at what they are planning for a new look.


All I saw was Admin has turned off all email notifications and I was like What did they silence me for now?!. Than the webpage got all wonky. Really weird :wolf:


kinda funny that’s what everyone was thinking
the question is now what are they up to :worried:


It is super sus that they turned off email notifications for a few minutes. I’m worried they’re legit up to no good :wolf:


I saw it for a split second when I tabbed back in and even then I got worried

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Ooo bans are probably retroactively going out.


I’m worried because we all said some…borderline questionable stuff the last couple days that if the mods are in a particular vindictive mood could cause a mass silence/ban :wolf:


This was my gateway drug into knowing way too much about things like the Forsaken and Sylvanian Vampire Lords. My first love;

Anyone else here play this absolute classic?


When I was a child my child eyes saw the Redeads of Zelda OoT choke Link by the neck the same way Heroes Might and Magic II’s Zombies did when in reality the Redeads leapt onto Link’s back and bit into his neck.

The Eyes of a Child clearly sees what it expects to see while the Eyes of an Adult see things normally…


My first love and intro to Forsaken was Soul Reaver 2, God I miss this game.

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Never played but I heard good things. The scariest console game I had about then was probably;

Granted I was 9 so that was probably appropriate. The Residential Evil Re:Make a year less so. Resident Evil 4 sometime later definitely.

My mom only knew GTA Bad and Nintendo Good so this was wholesome entertainment;

I turned out fine.

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I spent all my free time in university playing either Diablo 2 or Castlevania: lament of Innocence.

I also was a huge fan of the first Devil May Cry

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Mainly outside Skyrim, SWOR and whatever version of CoD zombies was de jour at that time I of all things associate Nintendo 64 and SNES games with college.

There was essentially a gambling party house run by a coalition of drama nerds and hockey jocks that persisted about 8 years. I only got to see the last 3. Pokémon Stadium, the Super Smash Melee and MK2, and SF 2 were among things you could bet up to $10 a match on. Also blackjack and Texas Holdem. Was fun while it lasted. A what in retrospect seems an inevitable robbery put the kibosh on that fun.

Still don’t know why that isn’t a feature of actual casinos. Probably some laws on what qualify as games of chance, I’d guess. Hard to top the high of a Mortal Kombat match with $30 sunk into it and a need to come back up though.

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So why is uldum hated also finished mount hyjal loved the storyline