WoT was the first pre-patch event I ever intentionally missed entirely, and BfA is the first expansion I ever intentionally waited a month (I think it was actually three) to resub for.
I was still struggling to hit 60 during the TBC one. Still remember getting wrecked by the giant demon with his giant fel hounds on my way into Orgrimmar by him and thinking how awesome that was.
Wrath was the king of prepatch events, and I shall always miss my Zombie Horde made up of Scarlet Crusaders in Tirisfal, running them to Brill to be That Kinda Player.
I did… Something during the Cata prepatch? It was so unmemorable, because it just didn’t involve me making zombie mobs to eat lowbies, so I focused more on chain-running dungeons on my prot paladin.
Did MoP, which IIRC was just the Theramore scenario. Only did it once on my human priest, and only for the tabard.
I pushed every single max level toon I had through the WoD one because I was so hyped for WoD at the time… Oh, poor naive Alynsa, if only you knew…
Legion’s is the first I was forced to skip due to waiting for a new graphics card.
Technically I did not miss the Shadowlands one. I resubbed two weeks before SL’s release, but I was so anti-hyped after BfA that all I did during the time the prepatch was around was run old dungeons for transmog.
And for Dragonflight’s I went full crazy person. I chased those elemental zone things on TWENTY SIX different characters, even used it to level up half my neglected-since-BfA Alliance alts. I collected so many doohickies that everyone, every single character, all TWENTY FREAKING SIX got fully geared for the expansion.
But when it came time for the BfA prepatch, the expansion was already ruined for me. As you could no doubt tell, Darnassus and Teldrassil have a special place in my heart. 90% of my heart and soul belong to the Horde, but that remaining 10% is for night elves alone. Behind trolls, they are my favorite race (blood elves actually rank probably at 4th place). My very-very first character was a night elf, and the first city I ever walked into was Darnassus.
And it’s just… Going away?? Sure, talk to an NPC, timewalking back, yadda yadda. But it’s still just narratively… Gone.
My heart actually broke when I found that out.
So that’s a total derail!! Hi!! Servers back up yet so I can Stuporbloom???