Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 2)

The thing I love about Daz’alor is how lived in the city feels. With the brutosaur taxis, the vendors and civilians everywhere, etc. The music is amazing also :bear:


If Dazar’alor is the city I wanted the most to review, Boralas is the one I wanted the least.

I skipped BfA on Alliance entirely and only really saw the city very, very recently when I went to unlock the Kul Tirans and Mechagnomes maybe three weeks ago. And it’s just huge!! At first, I was all in awe of it.

But then I kept having to go there or choosing to. And it just…

Nah. No, I do not think I will though, thank you. I have real coastal communities right outside my window. I can visit real Glouchester (if you know, you’re my people) in one train ride. And this is just no.

But I never heard the music, so maybe that will make it click for me. Or it’ll be another city where the music kills what little I enjoyed.


Dazar’alor and Zandalar in general made me forget about how I was SO disappointed with the direction the writers were taking the Horde (and Sylvanas) at the time.

WoT made me miserable, playing Horde felt dirty and sad. But Zandalar was GLORIOUS and beautiful and stunning and it immersed me so entirely that I completely forgot for a moment I was supposed to be either kissing the Alliance or being Sylvanas’ stooge. I liked that.

It’s going to heavily depend on which theme you get, TBH. If you get the general theme, it’s a cacophonous mess of a sea shanty that feels too jolly and out-of-place. If you get the beautiful kind’ve haunting string performance it changes the vibe ENTIRELY.


Yep, it was awesome the first time I saw it after coming back and playing through the tutorial island… then I realized what it was and what was going to happen and what had happened… gah it just broke my interest in that expansion.

I ended up just making a character and rolling through the games old leveling zones and slowly made my way to legion… that was a fun expansion… at least most of it was.

:musical_note: :control_knobs: :notes:


WoT was the first pre-patch event I ever intentionally missed entirely, and BfA is the first expansion I ever intentionally waited a month (I think it was actually three) to resub for.

I was still struggling to hit 60 during the TBC one. Still remember getting wrecked by the giant demon with his giant fel hounds on my way into Orgrimmar by him and thinking how awesome that was.

Wrath was the king of prepatch events, and I shall always miss my Zombie Horde made up of Scarlet Crusaders in Tirisfal, running them to Brill to be That Kinda Player.

I did… Something during the Cata prepatch? It was so unmemorable, because it just didn’t involve me making zombie mobs to eat lowbies, so I focused more on chain-running dungeons on my prot paladin.

Did MoP, which IIRC was just the Theramore scenario. Only did it once on my human priest, and only for the tabard.

I pushed every single max level toon I had through the WoD one because I was so hyped for WoD at the time… Oh, poor naive Alynsa, if only you knew…

Legion’s is the first I was forced to skip due to waiting for a new graphics card.

Technically I did not miss the Shadowlands one. I resubbed two weeks before SL’s release, but I was so anti-hyped after BfA that all I did during the time the prepatch was around was run old dungeons for transmog.

And for Dragonflight’s I went full crazy person. I chased those elemental zone things on TWENTY SIX different characters, even used it to level up half my neglected-since-BfA Alliance alts. I collected so many doohickies that everyone, every single character, all TWENTY FREAKING SIX got fully geared for the expansion.

But when it came time for the BfA prepatch, the expansion was already ruined for me. As you could no doubt tell, Darnassus and Teldrassil have a special place in my heart. 90% of my heart and soul belong to the Horde, but that remaining 10% is for night elves alone. Behind trolls, they are my favorite race (blood elves actually rank probably at 4th place). My very-very first character was a night elf, and the first city I ever walked into was Darnassus.

And it’s just… Going away?? Sure, talk to an NPC, timewalking back, yadda yadda. But it’s still just narratively… Gone.

My heart actually broke when I found that out.

So that’s a total derail!! Hi!! Servers back up yet so I can Stuporbloom???


Maybe an unpopular opinion but BFA would’ve been a VERY good expansion if it were not overshadowed by the main faction war narrative. It felt extremely hamfisted into what should’ve been a Void themed story with Azshara as the end-boss. This should’ve been HER expansion DAMNIT. It had such great marriage of both nautical and Void themes that made for a well-woven tale with all the pieces there to tell it but… we got a rushed mess of confusing themes with too much going on in too little time to execute.

It was very obvious that the Burning of Teldrassil and Fall of Undercity was a marketing stunt that cheapened the story drastically and it’s apparent that every expansion since has just been damage control. While I’m hopeful for the next “chapter” with TWW, I’m still giving MAJOR apprehensive side-eye.


It would’ve been one of the top expansions for sure


Yes! This pre-patch was legendary! (and VERY polarizing!)


That would have been much better then what we got… especially if they had skipped the WoT bs.

That’s what happens when you listen to the PvP only crowd… I’m sure there are some that are nice people… somewhere.

Same, I’m really hopeful for this new expansion and I’m hoping to be around for this prepatch… hopefully they don’t pull another switchout on us.

I loved that pre-patch. I might have also been on a server that was actually surviving, but still…


I’ll be honest, every prepatch up to DF was entirely a forgettable experience for me. Just something I mind numblingly did to pass the time until the launch of said expansion.

DFs prepatch was legitimately FUN. Infact, Dragonflight is the first expansion in a long time where I got to do things differently if I already did the story on another character. It’s been a long time since I’ve had this much fun


As far as pre-patch events, I only really remember WotLK’s for how entirely chaotic it was. Cataclysm was… elementals? I think? I totally forgot that MoP’s pre-patch was Theramore but didn’t really have a frame of reference for it’s significance because I hadn’t leveled an Alliance character high enough to ever spend much time there. WoD was the only expansion I skipped because at the end of MoP I had a long-time WoW friendship that unfortunately soured and I needed an emotional break from the game. Came back to find demons invading for the Legion pre-patch, which was kinda neat at the time.

BfA was memorable if only for Delaryn Summermoon and how much of an actual story impact WoT had at the time especially for a pre-patch. I was VERY invested in her as a character, I was hoping they had done more with her. As poopy as it was, I’m glad to have experienced it because one of my favourite mounts was the reward. (Teldrassil Hippogryph)

I feel like DFs pre-patch set me up for disappointment. It was so fun and I expected big things from DF after the mess of Shadowlands. I’m not sure what it is about DF, but it all feels so very ‘meh’ for me. I WANT to love it, but something is off? I can’t really get immersed in it, I can’t quite put my finger on it.


Seeds of Renewal is happening sooner than I expected, although, the “Draenei customizations” are vague. So far I’ve only seen a single skin colour. Is that it? Did I miss something?


Is it weird that the thing I’m most excited for with this patch are the follower dungeons?

Azerothian archive sounds fine and cool, world-wide dragonriding is nifty, I don’t have a worgen so I don’t know how much the Gilneas Reclamation will matter to me, and Bel’ameth will mostly just be a place I go sometimes.

But follower dungeons? If they are not terrible? Whole new path to start leveling up my alts!! Assuming they aren’t locked at the level cap, in which case they will just not be a thing I interact with, and I shall be very sad.



I am VERY much a solo player these days, I play retail with a single person who is one of my co-workers IRL. I feel like we were the only people who actually enjoyed Torghast because it was one of the few times we could duo current content without the anxiety of a PUG. (I can’t even tell you how much anxiety this gives me) I have VERY high hopes for these and I truly hope they’re not a bust!


Right there with you.

As I play Shaman, so long as the AI doesn’t suicide itself, and based on the feedback in the PTR threads it doesn’t, we are good to go and I can even consider trying out different builds.

Now we just need something like this for the Raids… Not even full raids just like maybe only needing to find two to five people to act as anchors for the AI’s to key off of and requiring the players to handle mechanics and staying active or their AIs will stop helping.


I might have a very personal understanding of that feeling… so yeah I might be able to relate.


As someone who’s introverted and gets anxious SUPER EASY, I know the feeling. The AI followers sound soo awesome and since they worked pretty well for the new starter ogre island, Im excited for this also


Well, it is a good thing that you re talking not to just any group of video game playing nerds, but the type of video game playing nerds who are so nerdy about a video game that they talk about the story on the official forums.

I would bet all of Karebear’s money that we are a largely introverted lot!! I am that confident that all of Karebear’s money, every penny of it, will be put on the line!!



Does it count if it’s Monopoly money? :stuck_out_tongue:


I mean, if you want it to be Monopoly money.

But like, if standard betting rules apply, and I am right that we are a bunch of big old introverted story nerds, then I am doubling your money!!