Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 2)

Thanks for removing the posts and not deleting the thread. The lounge is one of the few I enjoy posting regularly in :blush:


Pumpkin pie. I hate that pumpkin taste. But everyone else in the world loves it, and I am cursed with its ubiquity.

Sometimes, when it’s the only dessert around… I scrape off the filling and just eat the crust… I like pie crust…

I do love roasted pumpkin seeds… but that’s about as far as I go with eating pumpkin stuff


Still ruminating on changing my Priest to a Dracthyr… :thinking:

She’s a Draenei now which is my favourite so it’s always a gamble whether or not I’ll like the new change or just swap back as soon as possible. The extra movement racials seem super convenient though.

I am Canadian so my Thanksgiving was last month, but my step-dad forgot to drain the potatoes before mashing them and we ended up with this really gross potato slurry that we all had to pretend to like because he is particularly sensitive to bad feedback… that is the most recent thing I can think of. :laughing:


Have you tried pecan pie? Just as festive for Thanksgiving and if you like roasted pumpkin seeds you might like it more.

Ah yes, I had a few adventures with my dads cooking too.


Holy crap ubiquity.
I haven’t heard that word since church as a kid.


I loathe pumpkin pie, because every four years thanksgiving and my birthday fall on the same day. I…am traumatized by pumpkin pie as a birthday cake


Please send all your Pumpkin pies to:

Naovi (the Story Forum Draenei)
Cabin in the Woods, Canada

They will be given a good home. :pie:



Censorship. FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! jk lol

To quote the late great Sgt Shultz, I See Nothing - Sgt Schultz


Did we just desecrate Gizmo’s grave and then give him to someone else?

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oh lol they removed all the transphobic stuff. i’m sure that’s gonna be taken as part of the conspiracy as well. at least the bigots get to have their bigotry covered up so future readers can’t be revolted by them.

Dang I forgot to screenshot all the transphobia before it was gone.

at the end of the day :heart: :orange_heart: :green_heart: :blue_heart: :purple_heart: :brown_heart: :black_heart: :white_heart:


oh, i’m not worried. i’d say, ‘if they’re smart they would keep it to themselves in the future,’ but some of us have read their takes on it and, uh… wouldn’t take the ‘if’ for granted.

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care with that rainbow, you might indoctrinate a child.

ok i will just use the pink one then


Cute color. :dracthyr_heart:

So glad I slept through that whole mess :dracthyr_nod:


Finally something we agree on. Now THAT game deserves a remaster.

Morrigan was my favorite companion from Origins. Though I lost interest in the series after the second game

Speaking of remasters though, I read on WoWhead that a Warcraft 2 remaster looks to be in the works. That looks cool to play if true

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Sounds like you want to keeps the political discussion going.