Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 2)

Honestly Blizzard probably should have expected a lot of people trying to do the highest tier that gives loot (loot stops scaling at T8) in the first week of the season.

Because I feel like they probably expected the avg player to slowly grind their way up the tier list as the season progressed. Not get carried or something then struggle on tiers they are not ready for. As delves are intended to be the endgame for “world content” and that player base. With tier 8 or higher bountiful delves giving 3/8 champion on completion and 1/6 hero in vault.

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It is what is. I expected delves to be everything except what was promised. I’m just glad the weekly events in the zones, plus the ones you get from Fae’rin in Dorginal count as World Events.

Already unlocked two of the slots doing just that. So overall I’m actually pretty happy. Because I still have MY preferred way of gearing carried over from DF :dracthyr_nod:

Plus I’m already at ilvl 578 and my gear isn’t even fully upgraded. So am happy overall :dracthyr_heart:

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So has there been ANY info on what is the “Intent Shadow NPC”?

I know that sadly as cool and creepy as this is, its nothing of a mayor plot point moving forward (I REALLY WISH IT WAS, specially for my Dark Class and races) and its most likely to unlock a toy, mount or some special transmog… but man I freaking love how eerie that thing is and was breaking my head trying to figure out what to do with it… Not even WoWhead knows and that’s big… usually they have that stuff done and completed by the time the seasons start.

Uhg I’m so intrigue if someone has any info… I want to know, PLEASE share!!! Its hitting all my sweet points of RPG vibes! :laughing:


I wonder if Delve levels should of been timegated to pair with the raid to prevent the rush to the end behavior? If they were not an important sorce of gear right now I wonder if everyone would be rushing them like they are, which is why they are tuned like this.

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I mean right now? A level 8 bountiful delve ranged trash mob is hitting for over a MILLION damage.

It’s soo overtuned it’s ridiculous

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Yeah… It is bad when Wowhead is advising people to do the solo content in groups because it behaves as if it is designed for it.


:dracthyr_uwahh_animated: !

I didn’t realize it was that bad, I haven’t gotten very far in my delve progress but I guess I’ll have to harass my one friend that plays WoW to please duo with me. :dracthyr_cry_animated: Hopefully they tune it a bit better.


Yeah. It’s really bad right now. Blizz in their infinite wisdom, took something that was advertise as something for solo players, and tuned it for basically mythic raid geared players in a group

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So it’s “solo”… With tiny terms and conditions text.

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Sad part is, it wouldn’t be the first time blizz has lied to casual players. But this is probably the most egregious because delves offer gear that is equal to heroic lvl raid gear


I think the issue is it was not designed nor tested to cope with groups even if it theoretically could always be done by them. That is why the scaling is wacky, and there are weird glitches like resurrections done by another player do not count as “deaths”.


I feel like this is something that they’d hopefully hotfix, seeing as how it would give a significant advantage over someone who is playing solo in SOLO advertised content.

They made a lot of strides in TWW for solo players but this part is definitely disappointing!


I haven’t gotten around to hearing all the details, or researching them. I just hear a lot of hullabaloo about Dracthyr being altered.

From my understanding, the Tail Swipe Racial is being turned into a baseline Evoker Class spells, effectively leaving current Evokers alone but making it so other classes won’t be able to use the tail swipe.

I think they should have made it a toggle - similar to the Zandalari choosing which buff they get. You could choose which you wanted to use. Or they shared a cool down.

A Tail Swipe is an iconic Draconic ability, it feels strange to remove it out right. It is undoubtedly part of the Warcraft Dragon Combat Toolkit that people would enjoy on other classes.

I should look into it maybe…. What happens when you go in with a group? Do you all have your Brann, or is it the group leaders Brann, or the highest level Brann, or no Brann?

No idea about Brann… however as I understand it currently there is no scaling of the Delve to account for the extra bodies. Thus even something as simple as a proper healer, Brann’s healer kit is crap.

Currently caster mobs hit hard forcing you to be absurdly good at identifying and locking them down quickly and brutally. On top of that it looks like they are tuning the Delves to each class and spec individually.


And some classes like hunters only have ONE interrupt and it’s on a 30 sec CD. No idea why blizz over tuned delves like they did but it’s keeping me from running them

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It not be as bad if Brann was not prone to just using his silence ability on cooldown. His AI needs its ability tuned a bit. But, fortunately we should be providing the AI with training data so it should get better. In theory.


I kinda wanna get back into PvP but I stupidly didn’t grind honor when I should have. Hopefully it won’t be TOO painful.

Do you just use honor to upgrade pvp gear now? I know they changed it, just forgot what the upgrade rules for pvp gear is

This is a start!


I guess an average of 880k damage is better than over a million. As the article notes though, delves are still currently not as solo friendly.

Two manning it is actually easier, which is crazy to me still


Yeah, it’s still garbage but I’m glad at least it’s being looked at.